JI-Analytics has produced a High Value-Add Analysis (HVA) with powerful hidden insights into southern European governments financial performance.
High Value-Add Analysis #577 (HVA #577) provides powerful hidden insights into the financial performance of five major southern European governments for the past ten and five years (2012-2022 and 2017-2022) by using the Citizens' Wealth framework and its 10 KPIs. The five major southern European countries are: France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain (the peers).
Senior decision-makers should care about government financial performance and position because government financial decisions directly affect the probability of debt, currency, and financial crises, which have a disproportionally large impact on the most disadvantaged.
If you are a senior decision-maker who cares about government financial performance and position of any of the five peers, you may be eligible to receive a complimentary copy of High Value-Add Analysis #577 (HVA #577).
Senior decision-makers seeking a complimentary copy should contact info@jianalytics.com.
To review a one-page summary of HVA #577, visit the JI-Analytics store at:
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JI-Analytics is a global high value-add benchmarking and best practices analytics firm. Our mission is to produce the world's best Excel-based global high value-add benchmarking and best practices analytics, for senior decision-makers facing the most important challenges at the intersection of Government, NGOs, and Business.
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