EBC Financial Group (EBC) is a world-leading financial institution, founded in London, offering services including brokerage and asset management with the aim to build a safe, professional, and efficient trading environment.
EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA, reference number: 927552). EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC, reference number: 500991). EBC Financial Group (SVG) LLC is authorised by the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Financial Services Authority. (SVGFSA, company registration number 353LLC2020)
Recently we have received some reports on scammers pretending to be staff members of EBC Financial Group for fraudulent acts on the webpages, apps, Facebook, Line and other online platforms. We want to clarify that, "https://www.ebc.com" is our only official site.
We hereby confirm that:
EBC believes every serious trader should be served with sincerity. Here we would like to remind everyone our official website: https://www.ebc.com.
EBC Financial Group
November 23, 2023