Recently, there is a rising startup in the 'kids' contents' industry through 'Peet the Forest Detective' - a real-life nature education animation coproduced by EBS - and 'Living Exploration' - a nature inquiry contents for kids coproduced by SK broadband. It's 'PlayCurio' established in 2018 by CEO Sangjun Lee.
PlayCurio has named itself as an educational entertainment contents production. The studio not only creates kids' animation, but also runs a contents IP business by producing various contents based on AR and VR.
"Usually, AR/VR-based contents providers emphasize their technological capabilities. What we think matters is 'fun'. It is no use if a nice technology makes kids bored. Do you know which one is bigger: a lion or a tiger?"
After asking the question, CEO Lee smiled and handed over paper cards of a lion and a tiger. When he scanned the card with a smartphone camera, the pictures of the lion and tiger appeared on the screen like holograms.
"Most people think the lion is bigger, but if you look at them through AR, you can find the tiger is bigger. We patented the 'comparison of object size' technology which enables guessing the actual size of animals. You can easily compare the sizes of dinosaurs - kid's favorite animals. We also added an entertaining feature of 'collecting' cards whenever you check the encyclopedia information of the animals," he added.
- Business launched based on his previous career as a kids' contents producer and as an ordinary father
Mr. Lee was a kids' program contents producer. Starting at KBS Production, he first dreamt of being an entertainment show producer, but after being assigned to cultural program team, he started to produce a kids program and stepped into the kids' contents industry.His experiences as a kids' contents producer are reflected in PlayCurio's products and services, with the addition of 'daddy's love.'
"Paper cards or books are not our main product but additional lineups. Our core product will be the contents IP, and we will grow the company by collaborating with various companies based on the contents IP," said CEO Lee.