Ferrotec Corporation Announces Summary of Business Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2011 [Japan GAAP] (Consolidated)

Technology News Friday August 5, 2011 14:43 —Technology

(Rounded down to million yen)

1. Consolidated business results for the fiscal year ended March 2011 (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011)

(% change from the previous

 (1) Consolidated results of operations                                                          corresponding period)

                                                     Net sales             Operating income      Ordinary income    Net income
                                                                                                 Million          Million
                                                 Million yen         %   Million yen           %    yen         %   yen         %
                  March 2011                       57,880       83.5         6,931       885.4    6,290     --    4,483     --

                  March 2010                       31,541      (13.9)        703         (74.8)    524    (75.0)    156   (79.0)

(Note) Comprehensive income:

Fiscal year ended March 2011: 2,726 million yen (310.8%)

Fiscal year ended March 2011: 663 million yen (--)

---------------  ------  -------  ------  --------  ---------

                           Diluted          Ratio of
                    Net      net            ordinary   Ratio of

income income Return income operating

                    per      per      on    to total  income to

share share equity assets net sales --------------- ------ ------- ------ -------- ---------

Yen Yen

                           -------       %         %          %
     March 2011    180.63   175.66   19.2     11.5       12.0

     March 2010     6.58      --     0.8       1.1       2.2
---------------  ------  -------  ------  --------  ---------

(Reference) Investment earnings/loss on equity-method:

Fiscal year ended March 2011: 37 million yen

Fiscal year ended March 2010: 0 million yen

(2) Consolidated financial position


Shareholders' assets

                                               Total                     equity       per
                                               assets     Net assets      ratio       share
----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  ------

  ----------------------------------------  Million yen  Million yen              %     Yen
                 March 2011                    61,499       25,564         40.1      986.60

                 March 2010                    47,963       22,581         46.1      892.19
----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  ------

(Reference) Shareholders' equity:

Fiscal year ended March 2011: 24,660 million yen

Fiscal year ended March 2010: 22,129 million yen

(3) Consolidated results of cash flows

Cash and

          Cash flows   Cash flows    Cash flows     cash
            from          from         from      equivalents
          operating    investing     financing    at the end

activities activities activities of period ----- ----------- ------------ ----------- -----------

----- Million yen Million yen Million yen Million yen
   2011     1,832        (4,419)       4,505        7,310

   2010     2,374        (1,521)       (459)        5,867
-----  -----------  ------------  -----------  -----------

2. Dividends


Rate of total

dividend to

                                                                              Total       Dividend          net

dividend payout ratio assets

                                                 Annual dividend              (Total)  (Consolidated)  (Consolidated)
----------------------------------  -------------------------------------  --------  --------------  --------------

End End

                                       End of    of    of
                                         1Q      2Q    3Q  Year-end  Annual
----------------------------------  --------  ----  ---  --------  ------


                                         Yen     Yen  Yen     Yen     Yen       yen                 %               %

         Fiscal year ended Mar. 2010        --  0.00   --     12.00   12.00       297           182.4             1.4

     Fiscal year ended Mar. 2011            --  0.00   --     20.00   20.00       499            11.1             2.1
----------------------------------  --------  ----  ---  --------  ------  --------  --------------  --------------

Fiscal year ending Mar. 2012
              (forecast)                    --  0.00   --     20.00   20.00                      10.4
----------------------------------  --------  ----  ---  --------  ------  --------  --------------  --------------

(Note) Breakdown of year-end dividend for fiscal 2011 Ordinary
dividend: Yen 18.00 Commemorative dividend for the 30th anniversary of our establishment: Yen 2.00

3.Forecast of consolidated business results for the fiscal year ending March 2012

 (April 1, 2011 - March 31, 2012)                                                           (% change from the previous year)




                                                Net sales           Operating income      Ordinary income    Net income   share


 ----------------------------------------   Million yen       %    Million yen         % Million yen      %   yen       %     Yen
                First half                    33,600      41.4        3,680        64.0     3,500     84.9  2,400   78.4  92.47

                Full year                     70,000      20.9        7,500        8.2      7,200     14.5  5,000   11.5  192.66

4. Others

(1) Changes in significant subsidiary during the period (changes in specified subsidiary accompanying changes in the scope of
consolidation): Yes

New: 1 (company name) Hangzhou Solartech Co., Ltd. Excluded: --

(2) Changes in rules, procedures and indication methods of accounting process

(1) Changes due to revision of accounting standards: Yes

(2) Changes other than (1): None

(3) Shares outstanding (common stock)

(1) Number of shares outstanding at the end of period (treasury stock

  Fiscal year ended March 2011            25,088,592 shares
  Fiscal year ended March 2010            24,897,022 shares

(2) Treasury stock at the end of period:

  Fiscal year ended March 2011            93,344 shares
  Fiscal year ended March 2010            93,344 shares

(3) Average number of stock during period (cumulative period)

Fiscal year ended March 2011       24,820,473 shares
Fiscal year ended March 2010       23,754,394 shares

(Reference) Summary of non-consolidated business results

1. Non-consolidated business results for the fiscal year ended March

(April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011)

(% change from the previous

 (1) Non-consolidated results of operations                                                                    year)

                                                         Net sales           Operating income     Ordinary income    Net income
                                                                                                  Million          Million
                                                     Million yen       %   Million yen          %    yen         %   yen        %
                    March 2011                         19,300      27.1        1,166       781.7   1,979   126.9   1,421   126.1

                    March 2010                         15,181      10.0        132           --     872    (23.9)    628   74.5



Net net income income

per per

share share ----- ------ -------

Yen Yen March 2011 57.26 55.93


2010 26.47 --

----- ------ -------

(2) Non-consolidated financial position



Shareholders' assets

            Total                     equity       per
            assets     Net assets      ratio       share
-----  -----------  -----------  -------------  ------

  -----  Million yen  Million yen              %     Yen
   2011     36,834       22,743         61.7      909.90

   2010     31,015       21,424         69.1      863.76
-----  -----------  -----------  -------------  ------

(Reference) Shareholders' equity:

Fiscal year ended March 2011: 22,743 million yen

Fiscal year ended March 2010: 21,424 million yen

* Implementation status of auditing procedure

This financial summary is not subject to auditing procedure pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. At the time of disclosure of this report, the auditing procedure of financial statements pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act has not been completed.

* Explanation regarding appropriate use of business forecasts and other special instructions)

Forecasts regarding future performance in this material are based on information currently available to the Company and certain assumptions that the Company deems to be reasonable at the time this report was prepared. Actual results may differ significantly from the forecasts due to various factors.

CONTACT: Takeru Yamamura, Director
T E L: +81-3-3281-8186

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