Coastal Energy Announces 2011 Year End Financial Results

Economy News Thursday March 29, 2012 13:53 —Energy

Coastal Energy Company (the "Company" or "Coastal Energy") (TSX:CEN) (AIM:CEO), an independent exploration and production company with assets in Thailand, announces the financial results for the year ended December 31, 2011. The functional and reporting currency of the Company is the United States dollar.

Fourth Quarter 2011 Highlights

-- Total Company production increased to 14,508 boe/d in the fourth quarter

from 7,552 boe/d in the same period last year. The Company's offshore

production was bolstered by the inclusion of a full quarter of

production from the B platform at the recently discovered Bua Ban North

field. The Company began tying in production at Bua Ban North A late in

Q4 and realized production gains from that field beginning in 2012.

Average onshore production was 1,122 boe/d, impacted by decreased demand

due to the severe flooding in Thailand in Q3 and Q4 2011. Demand has

made a significant recovery in 2012.

-- EBITDAX for the fourth quarter was $75.1 million, significantly higher

than the $4.4 million recorded in Q4 2010.

-- The Company announced several successful appraisal and development wells

at the Bua Ban North A & B platforms. These wells helped to further

delineate the field and confirm that the two fields are in fact

connected. One horizontal well was drilled during the quarter and began

producing at a rate of approximately 3,000 bopd. The Company plans to

drill several more horizontal development wells at the field to increase

production and total recovery.

Full Year 2011 Highlights

-- Total Company production averaged 11,540 boe/d for the full year of

2011, 19% above 2010 levels.

-- The Company made significant discoveries at the Bua Ban North field and

was able to begin production within three months of the initial

discovery. The Company continued to appraise and develop the field

throughout the year.

-- The Company's full year 2011 EBITDAX was $201.7 million, 76% above 2010

EBITDAX of $114.3 million.

-- The Company released the results of its third-party reserve evaluation

report prepared by RPS Energy, Ltd. dated March 27, 2012 (effective date

December 31, 2011). The Company reported significant gains in its 1P and

2P reserve bases, with volumetric increases of 211% and 102%,

respectively. The Company's 1P and 2P NAVs also increased significantly,

rising by 207% and 140%, respectively.

-- As a result of its increased cash flow due to higher production and

commodity prices, the Company has repaid $30 million of its outstanding

debt balances in the first quarter of 2012. As of the date of this

release, the Company has $55 million of cash and cash equivalents and

$50 million of debt outstanding.

------------- --------- --------- --------- ------------- ----------- ---------

As of As of

                  December   December                             After-Tax
                  31, 2011   31, 2010             After-Tax NPV    NPV 2010
                   (mmboe)    (mmboe)   % Change   2011 (US$MM)    (US$MM)     % Change
-------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------
   Offshore         62.5       14.5       331%       $1,491.7       $413.5       261%

   Onshore          7.4        8.0        -8%         126.5         114.0        11%
-------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------

     1P             69.9       22.5       211%       1,618.2        527.5        207%
-------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------
Proven +
   Offshore         80.0       27.1       195%       $1,668.0       $583.6       185%

   Onshore          22.9       23.9       -4%         230.7         207.0        12%
-------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------

     2P            102.9       51.0       102%       1,898.7        790.6        140%
-------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------

Note: Reserve figures are shown as net working interest before royalties (Thailand
royalty regime is discussed in the MD&A of the Company's Annual Report dated
December 31, 2011). After-tax NPV figures are defined as future net revenues
discounted at 10%. Reserve numbers taken from the Company's competent person's
report prepared by RPS Energy Ltd. dated as of December 31, 2011 (prepared in
accordance with NI 51-101 and the COGE Handbook) which may be found on the Company's
website at

Randy Bartley, President and CEO of Coastal Energy, commented:

"2011 was the most successful year in Coastal's history. The Company delivered record production and cash flow. We also had a major discovery at the Bua Ban North field, which helped to increase our offshore 2P reserves by nearly 200%. We are very pleased with the results of 2011 and expect to build further on this success.

"2012 has also begun extremely well. We have drilled and tied in a handful of additional wells at Bua Ban North which have further boosted production. These wells were tied in during the month of February and brought average offshore production for the entire first quarter up to 21,100 bbl/d. Our current offshore production is 22,500 bopd.

"We have a very busy year ahead as we continue to develop Bua Ban North as well as perform redevelopment and injection drilling at Songhkla A. Additionally, we will continue exploring our substantial prospect inventory."

The following financial statements for the Company are abbreviated versions. The Company's complete financial statements for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2011 with the notes thereto and the related Management Discussion and Analysis can be found either on Coastal's website at or on SEDAR at All amounts are in US$ thousands, except share and per share amounts.

Consolidated Statements of Operations
and Comprehensive Income (Loss)

US$000's except per share amounts

  Years Ended December 31,            2011      2010
------------------------------  --------  --------


29) Revenues and Other Income Oil sales, net of royalties

    (Note 18)                      318,670   177,207

   Other income (Note 19)         (21,566)  (19,207)
------------------------------  --------  --------

297,104 158,000 ------------------------------ -------- --------

   Production                       99,263    53,326
Depreciation and depletion
    (Note 8)                        61,136    29,658
   Impairment (Note 8)                   -    10,706
   General and administrative       31,453    20,253
   Exploration (Note 7)              8,374    72,170
   Debt financing fees                 796       522
   Finance (Note 17)                 4,825     2,295

Gains on disposal of
property, plant and
    equipment                        (873)         -
------------------------------  --------  --------

204,974 188,930 ------------------------------ -------- --------

Net income (loss) before income taxes
and share of
  Net income from Apico LLC         92,130  (30,930)

Share of net income from
    Apico LLC (Note 9)              14,527     7,932
------------------------------  --------  --------

Net income (loss) before
   income taxes                    106,657  (22,998)
------------------------------  --------  --------

Income taxes (Note 24)
   Current                             135       (7)

   Deferred                         57,882  (11,768)
------------------------------  --------  --------

58,017 (11,775) ------------------------------ -------- --------

------------------------------ -------- --------

Net income (loss) and

comprehensive income (loss) 48,640 (11,223)

============================== ======== ========

Net income (loss) and comprehensive
income (loss) attributable to:
Shareholders of Coastal
    Energy                          47,359  (12,390)

   Non-controlling interest          1,281     1,167
------------------------------  --------  --------

48,640 (11,223) ------------------------------ -------- --------

Net income (loss) per share:
  Basic (Note 22)                     0.42    (0.12)
  Diluted (Note 22)                   0.41    (0.12)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of
these condensed interim consolidated financial

Consolidated Statements of Financial Position


                                     December 31,    December 31,    January 1,

  As at                                      2011            2010          2010
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------
                                                $               $             $

(Note 29) (Note 29) Assets Current Assets

    Cash                                   22,995           3,884        21,229
    Restricted cash (Note 4)               28,447          16,369         3,829
    Accounts receivable (Note 5)           16,939          10,299         6,111
    Derivative asset (Note 14)                 59             135            66
    Inventory (Note 6)                     14,161          12,783         5,310

Prepaids and other current
     assets                                 1,094             606           526
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------
     Total current assets                  83,695          44,076        37,071

Non-Current Assets
Exploration and evaluation
     assets (Note 7)                       31,881          31,068        44,907
Property, plant and equipment
     (Note 8)                             355,052         246,248       189,534
Investment in and advances to
     Apico LLC (Note 9)                    47,698          47,261        55,225

    Deposits and other assets                 405             289           300
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------

     Total non-current assets             435,036         324,866       289,966
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------

  Total Assets                            518,731         368,942       327,037
===============================  ==============  ==============  ============

Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued
    liabilities (Note 10)                  59,471          53,550        31,363
   Deferred revenue (Note 11)                   -               -        23,060
Current portion of long-term
    debt (Note 14)                         55,662          36,262        10,266
Amounts due to shareholder
    (Note 13)                                   -               -         5,164
Obligations under finance
    leases (Note 16)                            -             885            35
Current portion of derivative
    liabilities (Note 14)                  14,557          10,141             -

Derivative liability -
    Warrants (Note 12)                      2,853           2,191         3,371
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------
     Total current liabilities            132,543         103,029        73,259

Non-Current Liabilities
    Long-term debt (Note 14)               22,156          35,081        24,284
Obligations under finance
     leases (Note 16)                           -             579         1,439
Non-current portion of
derivative liabilities (Note
     14)                                    1,274           6,609             -
    Deferred tax liabilities               69,767          11,885        23,653

Decommissioning liabilities
     (Note 15)                             42,124          17,655         4,071
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------
Total Non-Current
      Liabilities                         135,321          71,809        53,447

Shareholders' Equity (Note 22)
    Common shares                         211,554         201,303       198,121
    Contributed surplus                    16,401          15,971        13,932

Retained earnings
     (accumulated deficit)                 17,630        (29,729)      (17,339)
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------
   Total Shareholders' Equity             245,585         187,545       194,714

    Non-controlling interest                5,282           6,559         5,617
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------

   Total equity                           250,867         194,104       200,331
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------

  Total liabilities and equity            518,731         368,942       327,037
===============================  ==============  ==============  ============

Commitments and contingencies
(Note 23)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed
interim consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statements of Cash


  Years Ended December 31,               2011       2010
--------------------------------  ---------  ---------

(Note 29) Operating activities

   Net income (loss)                   48,640   (11,223)
Share of net income from Apico
    LLC                              (14,527)    (7,932)
Unrealized (gain) loss on
    derivative instruments              (843)     16,681
   Depletion and depreciation          61,136     29,658
   Impairment                               -     10,706
   Finance expense                      4,825      2,295
Amortisation of debt financing
    fees                                  786        132
   Stock-based compensation            15,185      7,827
   Deferred income taxes               57,882   (11,768)
Unrealized foreign exchange
    loss (gain)                           388      (639)
   Exploration expense                  8,374     72,170
Gains on disposal of property,
    plant and equipment                 (873)          -
  Income taxes paid                      (86)          -
  Interest received                         6          5
  Interest paid                       (4,022)    (3,203)
Earnings distributions from
   Apico LLC                           15,536     15,896

Change in non-cash working
   capital (Note 25)                  (3,559)   (25,629)
--------------------------------  ---------  ---------
Cash flow provided by operating
   activities                         188,848     94,976

Financing Activities
Issuance of common shares, net
    of issuance costs                   7,907      2,409
   Borrowings under long-term debt      6,275     73,725
   Repayment of long-term debt              -   (34,550)
   Loan arrangement fees                (594)    (2,514)
Repayment of amounts due to
    shareholder                             -    (5,164)
Payments to non-controlling
    interest                          (2,558)      (225)

   Other                                (506)          -
--------------------------------  ---------  ---------

Cash flow provided by financing
   activities                          10,524     33,681
--------------------------------  ---------  ---------

Investing Activities
Increase in restricted cash       (12,078)   (12,540)
Purchase of property, plant and
    equipment                       (165,099)  (133,375)
   Advances to Apico LLC              (1,446)          -
Proceeds from disposal of
    property, plant and equipment         250          -

   Deposits and other assets            (116)          -
--------------------------------  ---------  ---------

Cash flow used in investing
   activities                       (178,489)  (145,915)
--------------------------------  ---------  ---------

Effect of exchange rate changes
   on cash                            (1,772)       (87)

  Increase (decrease) in cash          19,111   (17,345)

  Cash - Beginning of year              3,884     21,229
--------------------------------  ---------  ---------

  Cash - End of year                   22,995      3,884
================================  =========  =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
condensed interim consolidated financial statements.

Randy Bartley, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company and a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineering and Jerry Moon, Vice President, Technical & Business Development, a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, a Licensed Professional Geoscientist and a Certified Petroleum Geologist in the state of Texas, have reviewed the contents of this announcement.

Additional information, including the Company's complete competent person's report may be found on the Company's website at or may be found in documents filed on SEDAR at

The Coastal Energy Company logo is available at

This statement contains 'forward-looking statements' as defined by the applicable securities legislation. Statements relating to current and future drilling results, existence and recoverability of potential hydrocarbon reserves, production amounts or revenues, forward capital expenditures, operation costs, oil and gas price forecasts and similar matters are based on current data and information and should be viewed as forward-looking statements. Such statements are not guarantees of future results and are subject to risks and uncertainties beyond Coastal Energy's control. Actual results may differ substantially from the forward-looking statements.

These securities have not been registered under United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "US Securities Act") or the securities laws of any state and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to US persons (as defined in Regulation S under the US Securities Act) unless an exemption from registration is available.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy

or accuracy of this release.

This news release is not for dissemination in the United States or

through United States newswire services

CONTACT: Enquiries:

Coastal Energy Company


+1 (713) 877-6793

Strand Hanson Limited (Nominated Adviser)

Rory Murphy / Paul Cocker / Scott McGregor

+44 (0) 20 7409 3494

Macquarie Capital (Europe) Limited (Broker)

Paul Connolly / Jeffrey Auld

+44 (0) 20 3037 2000

FirstEnergy Capital LLP (Broker)

Hugh Sanderson / Travis Inlow

+44 (0) 20 7448 0200


Tim Thompson / Ben Romney

+44 (0) 20 7466 5000

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