Cabinet Meeting Synopsis -- September 4, 2012

World News Monday September 10, 2012 16:58 —Cabinet Meeting Synopsis (English)

The cabinet meeting on Tuesday, 4 September 2012 has come to the following decision

Title: the Draft Ministerial Regulation on an application for non-formal school establishment B.E...

The cabinet approved the draft Ministerial Regulation on an application for non-formal school establishment B.E... which had been examined by Office of the Council of State, and permitted further implementation according to the cabinet resolution as at December 31, 1977.

Gist of the draft Ministerial Regulation, as follows:

1. Stating an application form and place for submitting the application for non-formal school establishment (draft no. 1 and draft no. 2)

2. Stating evidence for an application for non-formal school establishment in case of individual and legal personality, and stating lists in a document for school establishment (draft no. 3 and draft no. 5)

3. Stating criteria for issuing a certificate or a document in substitute of certificate for non-formal school establishment (draft no. 6 and draft no. 7)

4. Stating criteria, directions, and conditions about the standard for non-formal school establishment, sanitation of students, size of land for establishing the school, buildings, curriculum, and capacity of one room for students (draft no. 8 to draft no. 14)

5. Stating provisions concerning an application for non-formal school establishment submitted before the Ministerial Regulation entered into force (draft no. 15)

Title: The direction for a research on biological diversity which is necessary and responding to a strategy for Convention on Biological Diversity phase 2011-2020 (B.E. 2554-2563)

The cabinet acknowledged the principle of a direction for a research on biological diversity which is necessary and responding to a strategy for Convention on Biological Diversity phase 2011-2020 (B.E. 2554-2563) as proposed by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The cabinet also assigned Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to work with involved agencies in providing a strategy for Convention on Biological Diversity phase 2011-2020 (B.E. 2554-2563).

Title: The direction for conservation and utilization of sustainable biological diversity through business sector’s participation

The cabinet acknowledged the principle of the direction for conservation and utilization of sustainable biological diversity through business sector’s participation as proposed by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The cabinet also assigned Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to work with involved agencies in providing a strategy for Convention on Biological Diversity phase 2011-2020 (B.E. 2554-2563).

Title: A request for budget as temporary funds for living expense distributed among civil servants or local administrative officials and local administrative employees in the fiscal year B.E. 2555

The cabinet approved following the Screening Committee’s resolution proposed to the 4th cabinet (economic affairs) chaired by Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. Kittirak Na Ranong) during the cabinet meeting no. 11/2555 on August 23, 2012. The cabinet acknowledged the principle of increasing temporary funds for living expense distributed among civil servants or local administrative officials and local administrative employees according to the government’s policy on financially supporting governmental agencies’ officials as a result of the rising economy.

In a long run, the cabinet appointed Decentralizing Committee to consider a measure to support local administration which is composed of a number of populations resulting in a shortage of budget. Accordingly, the local administration is capable of providing basic services for its people in the area in a proportionate and sufficient manner.

Title: A summary of World Economic Forum on East Asia during May 30-June 1, 2012, and the follow up

The cabinet acknowledged a summary of World Economic Forum on East Asia during May 30-June 1, 2012, and followed up the result from Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposed by the Secretariat of the Prime Minister.

Gist as follows:

1. The Secretariat of the Prime Minister proposed as Ministry of Foreign Affairs had reported that Thailand was selected from World Economic Forum to co-host World Economic Forum (WEF) on East Asia during May 30-June 1, 2012 at Bangkok. The theme was Shaping the Region’s Future through Connectivity following the WEF’s annual meeting of 2012 at Davos. There were 5 leaders participating such as the President of Indonesia, the Prime Minister of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of Bahrain, the Prime Minister of Laos, and the Prime Minister of Thailand. There were 630 participants registering and 330 members of the media. The statistics was considered 40% higher than expected. The summary of the meeting is as follows:

1.1. During the opening ceremony, the Prime Minister emphasized on ASEAN connectivity, and advocated developing connectivity to other countries and regions, as well as developing physical infrastructure and human resources of Thailand. In this regard, the President of Indonesia, the Prime Minister of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of Bahrain, and the Prime Minister of Laos expressed their opinions. Representatives from Thai government such as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Sports, Minister of Public Health, Minister of Energy, and Minister of Information and Communication Technology, as well as leaders from Thai private sector expressed their opinions and visions before the meeting.

1.2. The meeting agreed that boosting connectivity contributes to economic and social prosperity, and believed that ASEAN serves as a major mechanism for regional growth. The meeting also paid attention to the development of Myanmar which contributes to ASEAN dynamics. Myanmar is scheduled to host WEF on East Asia in 2013 at Naypyidaw. Moreover, the meeting paid a lot of attention to the presence of Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi, the opposition leader of Myanmar at the meeting which was her first visit to Thailand in 24 years.

1.3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched public relations program to systematically promote Thailand through CNBC news agency, and organized an exhibition in the meeting place. Moreover, the Ministry cooperated with involved ministries to host activities concerning science and technology, tourism, and information as well as communication in order to publicize the country’s capacity in the aforementioned fields. The Ministry also hosted a briefing seminar about the outcome of meeting for Thai members of the media so that the latter transmit the message to people. Accordingly, it raises awareness about ASEAN development in the context of regional cooperation.

1.4. Thailand’s benefits as a host

1.4.1. The role of Thailand as co-hosting WEF on East Asia in 2012 crucially signaled that Thailand gained recognition from international community, especially in terms of political and economic stability, and Thailand’s leadership in the region. A historical high number of leaders and participants clearly reflect the significance and confidence in Thailand.

1.4.2. The country can expand her business opportunity, and investment through a systematic public relations campaign, and activities, as well as opinions expressed by representatives from the government and Thai private sector. The success of confidence building and public relations campaign contributes to the dynamics of domestic growth in both medium and long terms.

The government was successful in promoting cooperation between governmental sector and private sector in order to promote Thai image which is strong and capable of running new business. Currently, there are 18 Thai companies which are members of WEF; the number is considered the highest in ASEAN.

--Cabinet Meeting (Yingluck Shinawatra) September 4, 2012--

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