Cabinet Meeting Synopsis -- October 13, 2015

Politics News Tuesday October 13, 2015 17:22 —Cabinet Meeting Synopsis (English)

The Cabinet met on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at Command Building 1, Government House. Some of the resolutions are as follows;

Title: Approval for Thailand to host World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Global Summit 2017

The Cabinet agreed and approved in principal for Thailand to host World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Global Summit 2017 in April 2017 as proposed by Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

Gist of the matter

Ministry of Tourism and Sports informed that

1.To host the WTTC Global Summit will reinforce the image of Thailand in tourism and safety, which will lead to an increase confidence and trust among tourists to revisit the country.

2.WTTC Global Summit, regardless of the small number of participants, is high-level meeting with the participation of executives and policy makers. It is widely accepted and well-recognized in global tourism industry,.

3.Should Thailand be selected as host of the Summit, the country’s positive image with regard to tourism and MICE will be reinforced. Thailand would be the first country in the ASEAN region to host the summit.

4.Thailand can organize field visit programs for WTTC members to introduce provinces that are less popular, yet have full potentials for the development of tourism and investment.

5.To lead to joint investment and development in the long run

Title: Draft Policies and Strategies for the Prevention and Responses to Violence Against Children and Youth (2015-2021)

The Cabinet agreed and approved proposals made by Ministry of Social Development and Human Security as follows:

1.The Cabinet agreed to the draft Policies and Strategies for the Prevention and Responses to Violence Against Children and Youth (2015-2021) as the master plan for operational direction in preventing and addressing violence against children and youth.

2.Concerned agencies were assigned to implement the Policies and Strategies for the Prevention and Responses to Violence Against Children and Youth (B.E. 2558-2564)

Gist of the Policies and Strategies for the Prevention and Responses to Violence Against Children and Youth (2015-2021) is aimed as the master plan for operational direction of concerned agencies. There are seven strategies as follows:

(1) Strategy on violence prevention

(2) Strategy on protection, aid, remedies, rehabilitation of children and youth who are victims or perpretators of violence to enable them to return to the society

(3) Strategy on law enforcement

(4) Strategy on local and national mechanisms and management

(5) Strategy on coordination and promotion of participation

(6) Strategy on knowledge and research development

(7) Strategy on international cooperation

Title: Daejeon Declaration on Policies for Sciences, Technology and Innovation for Global and Digital Era

The Cabinet approved proposals made by Ministry of Science and Technology as follows:

1.The Cabinet agreed to the draft Daejeon Declaration on Policies for Sciences, Technology and Innovation for Global and Digital Era. Ministry of Science and Technology is authorized to amend the draft document where necessary, if not affecting gist of the document or the benefit of Thailand, without submitting to the Cabinet for further consideration.

2.Minister of Science and Technology or his representative is authorized to endorse the draft document.

3.Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to issue the Full Power for the signatory in 2.

Gist of the Daejeon Declaration

1.The Declaration focuses on the development of sciences, technology and innovation to stimulate economic growth, sustainable development, employment and better livelihood. Member states must implement the policies which promote researches and linkage between education, industry, and society in order to strengthen the development of sciences, technology and innovation.

2.The Declaration is a joint intent between OECD member states, ASEAN member countries, OECD partner states, and international organizations to push forward cooperation in policies on sciences, technology and innovation for the next decades in order to promote economic and social prosperity and withstand challenges of the future. The Declaration is neither a treaty under international law nor a contract under Section 23 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), B.E. 2557.

Title: Acceptance of Protocol amending the TRIPS Agreement

The Cabinet approved proposals made by Ministry of Commerce as follows:

1.The Cabinet approved acceptance of protocol amending the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) with regard to Thailand’s public health, which is to be further submitted to the National Legislative Assembly for approval.

2.Ministry of Foreign Affairs is authorized to issue Instrument of Acceptance, after the Cabinet and the National Legislative Assembly’s approval, for Ministry of Commerce to submit to World Trade Organization.

Ministry of Commerce informed that

1.At the Fourth WTO ministerial meeting in Doha, Qatar, in 2011 (B.E. 2544), Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health was adopted to underline the importance of access to essential medicines, and to reiterate flexibilities under the TRIPS Agreement on public health, such as adoption of Compulsory Licensing (CL). However, WTO member states without the capacity of drug manufacturing have difficulties in making effective use of CL under the TRIPS Agreement, as stipulated in Aticle 31(f) that the use of compulsory license shall be ‘authorized predominantly for the supply of the domestic market of member authorizing such use’. Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration, therefore, stipulated that the Council for TRIPS find an expeditious solution to this problem

2.Ministry of Commerce considered that acceptance of Protocol amending the TRIPS Agreement will express political will to endorse access to essential medicines of WTO member states without the capacity of drug manufacturing, and enable other WTO members, including Thailand, to export medicines under CL to the countries in need. It is, therfore, appropriate for Thailand to notify acceptance of Protocol amending the TRIPS Agreement on changes to the TRIPS Agreement to the WTO. The Agreement will take effect after two-third of WTO members states make acceptance. Ministry of Commerce will proceed with the revision of the Patent Act, B.E. 2522 to accommodate the amendment.

--Cabinet Meeting (Prayut Chan-o-cha) October 13, 2015--

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