Cabinet Meeting Synopsis -- August 2, 2016

Politics News Tuesday August 2, 2016 16:45 —Cabinet Meeting Synopsis (English)

The Cabinet met on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at Command Building I, Government House. Some of the resolutions are as follows;

Title: Assistance measure for low-income earners in urban community under People Public Private Partnership (PPPP) framework

The Cabinet acknowledged the proposals made by Ministry of Finance as follows:

1. Acknowledged the implementation of PPPP loan measure to resolve people’s debt problem under Government Savings Bank’s governmental policy.

2. Agreed on the implementation of workshops on career development and financial knowledge for low income earners in urban community

Gist of the matter

Ministry of Finance reported that Government Savings Bank has proposed assistance measures for low-income earners in urban community under PPPP framework, which consist of

(1) PPPP Loan Measure,

(2) PPPP Measure to resolve people’s debt problems under the government’s policy, and

(3) Workshop on career development and financial knowledge for low income earners in urban community.

Title: Mobilization and reform plan on human resources development and education system

The Cabinet acknowledged mobilization and reform plan on human resources development and education system as proposed by the Secretariat of the Prime Minister as follows:

Gist of the matter

The Secretariat of the Prime Minister reported that Deputy Prime Minister (ACM Prajin Jantong), vice chair of mobilization and reform board on human resources development and education system, has proposed mobilization and reform plan on human resources development and education system. The Plan is in accordance with the government policies, the 12nd National Economic and Social Development (B.E. 2560-2564), and the 20-year National Strategy (B.E. 2560-2579). Opinions and suggestions from concerned agencies have been taken into consideration to develop the Plan under the principle of people-centeredness. The Plan will be implemented based on good governance, integrity, and public participation.

Gist of the Plan is as follows:

Operational Plan is divided into 4 Phases:

1) Urgent phase (May- September 2016)

2) Short-term phase (May 2016 – March 2017)

3) Medium-term phase (October 2016- July 2017) and

4) Reform plan (after July 2017-2036).

The plan consists of 4 parts as follows:

1) Human resources development across the ages: with 4 goals:

1) Capacity enhancement of Thai people,

2) Building life-long security,

3) Strengthening family ties, and

4) Promoting cooperation of all sectors and social responsibility

2) Education: with 5 goals:

1) Quality and effective education system,

2) Opportunity and equality for people across the ages,

3) Capacity enhancement of students across the levels,

4) Sufficient resources and funds for educational sector, and

5) Effective education management and organization

3) Labor: aims to promote employment in order to be properly protected and insured, and to enhance labor skills,

4) External factors: social, economic, innovative and technology aspects, as well as public management

Title: Requesting approval for implementation of reinforcement of website security standard and domain privacy

The Cabinet agreed on the implementation of reinforcement of website security standard and domain privacy, and assigned Electronic Transactions Development Agency (Public Organization) (ETDA) to proceed according to Ministry of Information and Communication Technology’s proposals as follows:

1. To advice government agencies on website security standard. List of government agencies selected to take part in ThaiCERT Government Monitoring System will be announced later.

2. To collaborate with concerned agencies in establishing Sector-based CERT in key agencies.

3. To be the main agency to compile Thailand’s key domain names for protection through the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

Title: Measures to promote production of electric vehicles in Thailand

The Cabinet agreed on the measures to promote production of electric vehicles in Thailand as proposed by Ministry of Industry as follows:

1. Concerned agencies, i.e., Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry, Bureau of Budget, the Prime Minister’s Office, and the Board of Investment are assigned to implement the measures to achieve tangible results based on guideline for Thailand’s automobile industry development, which focuses on sustainable export and production of automobiles and parts.

2. Concerned agencies, i.e., Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Industry are to work to ensure actual use of electric vehicles within November 2016. Title: Requesting approval for establishment of Institute of Agricultural Innovation Promotion and implementation budget

The Cabinet agreed on the establishment of Institute of Agricultural Innovation Promotion under supervision of the Office of Permanent Secretary Ministry of Commerce as proposed by Ministry of Commerce as follows:

Gist of the structure of Institute of Agricultural Innovation Promotion are as follows:

1) To create markets for agricultural innovation products under Thailand 4.0, which will upgrade Thai agricultural products, such as rice, tapioca, palm, from commodity products to high-quality and high value-added products.

2) To develop existing innovative researches for commercial purposes by promoting more investment and production of innovation products, as well as analyzing market demand to be submitted to research & development agencies accordingly

3) To create demands and raise awareness of consumers in the values of diversified Thai agriculture innovation products

4) To promote Thailand’s signature products as agricultural innovation products instead of basic agricultural products in the global market

Title: Signing of contract on Astana Expo 2017 participation in Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Cabinet agreed and acknowledged proposals made by Ministry of Energy as follows:

1. Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Energy, as Thailand’s Commissioner General of Section is authorized to sign the contract for Astana Expo 2017 participation

2. Acknowledged the draft Participation Contract of Astana Expo 2017 between Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Energy, who is appointed as Thailand’s Commissioner General of Section, and Kazakhstan’s National Company Joint Stock Company

Should there be any amendment, if not affecting gist of the documents or the benefits of Thailand, Ministry of Energy is authorized to proceed without any further approval from the Cabinet.

Draft Participation Contract is the document reflecting Thailand’s intent to attend Astana Expo 2017 according to the invitation made by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Content of the draft Contract includes framework for organizing an exhibition and intent of Thailand to participate in the Expo. Thailand’s Commissioner General of Section has authority to sign aforementioned contract.

Title: Joint ASEAN-SEAFDEC Declaration on Regional Cooperation for Combating IUU Fishing and Enhancing the Competitiveness of ASEAN Fish and Fisheries Products

The Cabinet agreed on the proposals made by Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives as follows:

1. Agreed on the Joint ASEAN-SEAFDEC Declaration on Regional Cooperation for Combating IUU Fishing and Enhancing the Competitiveness of ASEAN Fish and Fisheries Products

2. Should there be any amendment, if not affecting gist of the documents or the benefits of Thailand, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives or his representative is authorized to proceed until the end of the meeting on August 3, 2016 in Bangkok without any further approval from the Cabinet.

--Cabinet Meeting (Prayut Chan-o-cha) August 2, 2016 --

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