Cabinet Meeting Synopsis -- November 15, 2016

Politics News Tuesday November 15, 2016 17:11 —Cabinet Meeting Synopsis (English)

The Cabinet met on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at Command Building I, Government House. Some of the resolutions are as follows;

Title: Draft Financial System Development Plan for People’s Sector, B.E. 2560-2564

The Cabinet agreed on Draft Financial System Development Plan for People’s Sector, B.E. 2560 – 2564 as proposed by Ministry of Finance and ordered concerned agencies to proceed accordingly.

Draft Development Plan’s vision is to develop financial system that responds to financial needs of the people at any level and in a quality and sustainable manner. The Plan consists of 3 strategies as follows:

1st Strategy: Generating income and promoting financial potentials of grassroots people

2nd Strategy: Enhancing capacity of financial service providers to comprehensively serve the people

3rd Strategy: Developing financial infrastructure to sustainably provide financial services

Measures under the Development Plan B.E. 2560-2564 can be prioritized based on their urgency into 3 phases as follows:

(1) Urgent measures: To be implemented in the first year of the Draft Plan B.E. 2560-2564, such as providing loan support for income generation of low-income earners and farmers, debt relief, etc.

(2) Key measures: To be accomplished by 2019, such as strengthening community’s financial institutions, networking of community’s financial institutions, etc.

(3) Continued measures: To be implemented continuously in accordance with the Plan’s timeframe.

Title: Financing Agreement between ASEAN and EU for ASEAN Regional Integration Support from the EU (ARISE Plus), Biodiversity Conservation and Management of Protected Areas in ASEAN: BCAMP), and Sustainable Use of Peatland and Haze Mitigation in ASEAN (SUPA)

The Cabinet agreed on proposals made by Ministry of Foreign Affairs as follows:

1. Agreed on the Financing Agreement between ASEAN and EU for ASEAN Regional Integration Support from the EU (ARISE Plus), Biodiversity Conservation and Management of Protected Areas in ASEAN: BCAMP), and Sustainable Use of Peatland and Haze Mitigation in ASEAN (SUPA). Should there be any amendment, if not affecting the gist of the documents or against the benefits of Thailand, Ministry of Foreign Affairs is authorized to proceed without requesting any further approval from the Cabinet, and later inform the Cabinet accordingly.

2. ASEAN Secretary-General or his representative is authorized to act as signatory. Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to notify ASEAN Secretariat through Thailand’s permanent representative to ASEAN in Jakarta that Thai government agreed upon the 3 aforementioned documents and for ASEAN Secretary-General or his representative to endorese the Agreement.

Title: Key documents for the 24th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and the 28th APEC Ministerial Meeting

The Cabinet approved proposals made by Ministry of Foreign Affairs as follows:

1. Agreed on Draft Declaration of the 24th Economic Leaders’ Meeting and its attachments. Prime Minister or his representative is authorized to act as head of Thai delegation to endorse the aforementioned document.

2. Agreed on Draft Joint Statement of the 28th APEC Ministerial Meeting. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Commerce are authorized to endorse the aforementioned document.

3. Should there be any amendment, if not affecting the gist of the documents or against the benefits of Thailand, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Commerce are authorized to proceed without requesting any further approval from the Cabinet.

The Draft Declaration indicated progress towards goals for quality growth and human development. The 2016 APEC’s key topics are:

1) Regional Economic Integration and Quality Growth

2) Enhancing the Regional Food Market

3) Towards the Modernization of MSMEs in the Asia-Pacific, and

4) Developing Human Capital.

Title: Documents for the 16th ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN) and related meetings

The Cabinet approved proposals made by Ministry of Digital Economy and Society as follows:

1. Agreed on 4 documents

(1) Draft Framework on protection of personal data

(2) Draft Operational Plan on In-depth Partnership between ASEAN and China under the Cooperation on Joint Development on Information Technology and Communications

(3) Brunei Darussalam Declaration on Innovation Connectivity Community

(4) Operational Plan under ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Information Technology and Communication and the 2016 ASEAN Telecommunication Regulator Council (ATRC), which are to be endorsed during the 16th ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN) and related meetings.

Should there be any amendment, if not affecting the gist of the documents or against the benefits of Thailand, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society is authorized to proceed without requesting any further approval from the Cabinet.

1. Minister of Digital Economy and Society or his representative is authorized to endorse the aforementioned documents.

Title: Promotion of Thai government agencies to produce bilingual government forms

The Cabinet agreed on proposals made by Ministry of Foreign Affairs as follows:

1. Agreed in principle for government agencies under related ministries and departments to consider producing bilingual (Thai with English translation) government documents or forms depending on budget, human resources, equipment, tools and technologies.

2. Office of the Public Sector Department Commission, and Office of the National Economics and Social Development Board are the main agencies to cooperate with concerned agencies to compile related information for ease of doing business.

Gist of the matter

The initiative to promote production of bilingual government forms (Thai with English translation) is mainly on the foundation of public interests, especially in reducing translation cost, as well as simplifying document authentication process. It also acts as key mechanism to promote Thailand in the context of ASEAN connectivity.

Title: Request for approval on ASEAN Common Position on Issues Related to Agriculture for the 22th UNFCCC and related meetings during November 7-8, 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco

The Cabinet agreed on proposals made by Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives as follows:

1. Agreed on ASEAN Common Position on Issues Related to Agriculture for the 22th UNFCCC and related meetings during November 7-8, 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.

2. Office of the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning is assigned as Thailand’s UNFCCC Focal Point.

The ASEAN Common Position aims to affirm regional standpoint on agricultural issues proposed in the 44th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA). It is also to maintain its standpoints on agricultural issues specified for the 45th session of SBSTA, and in the Paris Agreement.

Title: Request for approval for Thai government to host meetings and joint trainings with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

The Cabinet agreed on proposals made by Ministry of Science and Technology for Thailand to host a meeting and a joint training with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and ordered to notify Permanent Representative of Vienna, Austria and IAES respectively.

Gist of the matter

Ministry of Science and Technology reported that Department of International Organizations, on behalf of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has notified Office of Atoms for Peace, which acts as international coordinator for IAEA, that IAEA has requested Thai government to consider hosting a meeting and a joint training as follows:

1) IAEA/RCA Final Project Assessment Meeting during November 21-25, 2016 in Chiang Mai. The meeting aims to review and evaluate the operational success of IAEA’s RAS/6/076 academic cooperation on “Improving Cancer Management Through Strengthening CT Cancer Staging Process”; and

2) Training Workshop on Uranium Geochemistry in the Asia – Pacific Region during May 16-19, 2017 in Bangkok. The objective is to propose challenging issues in terms of academic, environment, social, economy and good governance on sustainable industrial use of uranium.

--Cabinet Meeting (Prayut Chan-o-cha) November 15, 2016 --

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