Cabinet Meeting Synopsis - June 11, 2024

Politics News Tuesday June 11, 2024 14:41 —Cabinet Meeting Synopsis (English)

Some of the resolutions are as follows:

Title: Draft Act on Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (No. ?), B.E. ?

The cabinet approved and acknowledged the following proposal of Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation:

1. Approved the draft Act on Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (No. ?), B.E. ?, which has been scrutinized by Office of Council of State

2. Acknowledged the plan for secondary laws, timeframe, and essences of the secondary laws issued under the draft Act.


The draft Act is a revision to Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research Act, B.E. 2522 to add the institute?s objectives: conducting business related to research and innovation or related to commercial use of research and innovation; developing research personnel in science and technology; transferring technology to the government, private and people?s sectors; and developing science and technology infrastructure. The revision is also made on the institute?s missions and authority, and revenues.

Title: Draft Ministerial Regulation specifying quantity of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that are presumed to be in possession for consumption (No. ?) B.E. ?

The cabinet approved in principle the draft Ministerial Regulation specifying quantity of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that are presumed to be in possession for consumption (No. ?) B.E. ?, as proposed by Ministry of Public Health, and ordered for the draft Ministerial Regulation to be forwarded to Office of Council of State for scrutiny.


The draft Ministerial Regulation specifying quantity of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that are presumed to be in possession for consumption (No. ?) B.E. ? prescribes the maximum amount of narcotics category 1 that are presumed to be in possession for consumption, that is, the quantity of amphetamine and methamphetamines in possession for use must be no more than 1 unit or 100 milligrams. This is a revision to the previous version of the regulation which specifies possession of up to five meth pills or 500 milligrams for drug users.

Title: Draft Annual Budget Expenditures Act Fiscal Year 2025

The cabinet approved the draft Annual Budget Expenditures Act Fiscal Year 2025 and related documents which have been scrutinized by Office of Council of State, and ordered for it to be proposed to the House of Representatives. This is as proposed by the Budget Bureau.


The annual budget expenditures for Fiscal Year 2025 is set at the amount not exceeding 3,752,700 million Baht.

Budget expenditures for fiscal year 2024 classified by groups:

          Groups                                                     Amount (Million Baht)
          Budget expenditures for Central Fund                       805,745.0
          Budget expenditures for budget receiving agencies          1,254,576.8
          Integrated budget expenditures                             206,858.5
          Budget expenditures for public sector personnel            800,969.6
          Budget expenditures for revolving funds o                  274,296.4
          Budget expenditures for public debt repayments             410,253.7

Budget expenditures for fiscal year 2024 classified by Bugdet Allocation Strategies:

          Strategies                                              Amount (Million Baht)
          National Security                                       405,412.8
          Development of Competitiveness                          398,185.9
          Human Potentials Development and Reinforcement          583,023.4
          Creation of Social Opportunities and Equality           923,851.4

Creation of Growth on the Environmental-friendly

          Quality of Life                                         137,291.9

Realignment for Balance and Development of

          Administrative System of the Public Sector              645.880.9

Title: Draft Royal Decree on prorogation of first ordinary session of the National Assembly, B.E. ?

The Cabinet approved in principle the Draft Royal Decree on prorogation of the first legislative ordinary session of the National Assembly, B.E. ? (from July 3, 2024 onward), as proposed by the Cabinet Secretariat.

According to Section 121 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, each year there shall be two ordinary sessions of the National Assembly, each of which shall last 120 days. The day on which the first sitting is held shall be considered the commencement date of the first annual ordinary session, and the commencement date of the second annual ordinary session shall be fixed by the House of Representatives.

In light of the above, the convocation and prorogation dates of the National Assembly are set as follows:

Year First annual ordinary session (B.E.) Second annual ordinary session (B.E.)

          1          3 July 2023 ? 30 October 2023          12 December 2023 ? 9 April 2024
          2          3 July 2024 ? 30 October 2024          12 December 2024 ? 9 April 2025
          3          3 July 2025 ? 30 October 2025          12 December 2025 ? 9 April 2026
          4          3 July 2026 ? 30 October 2026          12 December 2026 ? 9 April 2027

It is, therefore, appropriate for the first annual ordinary session of the National Assembly to be prorogued from July 3, 2024 (2567) onward.

Title: Approval of ?Wai? as Thai national identity for greeting and display of respect

The cabinet approved for ?Wai? as Thai national identity for greeting and display of respect, as proposed by Office of Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister?s Office.


On January 15, 2024, the National Culture Commission approved designation of the ?Wai? as Thai national identity for greeting and display of respect, and ordered the National Identity Committee to forward the matter to the cabinet for further approval and for being announced in the Royal Gazette. According to the National Identity Committee, ?Wai? is an important Thai cultural softpower that will help enhance Thailand's image internationally, and may be taken forward to promote the country?s creative economy.

Title: Report on the Industrial Economics Status for March 2024

The cabinet acknowledged Industrial Economic Report for March 2024, as proposed by Ministry of Industry.


Based on the report, manufacturing production index (MPI) March 2024 contracted by 5.1% YoY due to household debt problems and high loan interest rates. As a result, domestic consumption, especially of semi-durable and durable goods, such as automobiles, electronic components, has decreased. Key industries that caused the contraction were automobiles (-22.63%), electronics parts and circuit (-15.33%), and sugar (-25.26%), whereas key industries that expanded well in March 2024 (YoY) were petroleum refinery products (+5.32%), tapioca flour (+47.65%), and ready-made pet and animal food (+8.45%).

Title: Overview of Economic and Trade Indices for April 2024

The cabinet acknowledged the Overview of Economic and Trade Indices for April 2024, as proposed by Ministry of Commerce.


According to the report,

  • Consumer Price Index (CPI) in April 2024: 108.16 (+0.85 MoM)
  • Headline inflation rate: +0.19 (YoY)
  • Core inflation rate: +0.37 (YoY)
  • Average CPI during January ? April 2024: -0.55 (AoA)
  • Consumer Confidence Index (CCI): 51.9
  • Headline inflation rate for 2024 is estimated at 0.0-1.0% (Median 0.5)
Title: Draft Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on projects funded by the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation (MLC) Special Fund for 2023

The cabinet approved the draft Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on projects funded by the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation (MLC) Special Fund for 2023. Should there be an amendment in parts that are not gist, Ministry of Natural Resourced and Environment may consult Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs, and proceed without having to resubmit to the cabinet. Minister of Natural Resourced and Environment or a representative is authorized as signatory of the MOU. This is as proposed by Ministry of Natural Resourced and Environment.


The draft MOU prescribes detail of Ministry of Natural Resourced and Environment?s project funded by the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation (MLC) Special Fund, that is, ?Improving Forest Fire Control and Management in LMC Countries: Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia?. The fund is for the total of not exceeding 1.95 million Yuan (USD281,910 or approx. 10 million Baht). The project will be implemented by Thailand?s Department of Forestry for the period of 2 years.

Source: Cabinet Meeting (Srettha Thavisin) June 11, 2024

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