Cabinet Meeting Synopsis -- August 25, 2009

World News Wednesday September 2, 2009 08:38 —Cabinet Meeting Synopsis (English)

The cabinet meeting on Tuesday 25, August 2009 has come to the following decisions:

Draft Regulation of the Ministry of Finance re:  Pension Plan for Permanent Employees (No. ___) B.E. ____           Cabinet approves the draft Regulation of the Ministry of Finance re: Pension Plan for Permanent Employees (No. ___) B.E. ____ as proposed by the Ministry of Finance to be effective from October 1, 2009 onwards.

Draft Regulation of the Ministry of Finance re: Pension Plan for Permanent Employees (No. ___) B.E. ____ is an amendment of the Regulation of the Ministry of Finance re: Pension Plan for Permanent Employees B.E. 2519, providing more benefits to permanent employees that are entitled to normal and special pensions, details as follows:

1. Determines for permanent employees who are entitled to receive normal pension and whose accumulated working period completes 25 year or more or who is entitled to receive special pension may request to either receive monthly pension or monthly special pension. Hence, once such permanent employee has received the said pension from related government office, alteration to receive the other type of pension will not be possible.

2. Determines for the right to monthly pension or monthly special pension to commence from the date such permanent employee retires from work and remains throughout such permanent employee’s life.

3. Determines for the monthly pension to be calculated from the last salary received multiplied with the amount years of work then divided by twelve before taking the total to be divided by fifty.

4. Determines for the special pension to be calculated by way of the superior ranking of the government agency at the level of department of equivalent to determine the amount appropriate together with factors of disability and incapability of such permanent employee.

5. Determines for permanent employees who are entitled to receive normal pension or special pension o top of having the right to alter receiving such pension as normal pension or special pension but still have not already received such normal pension or special pension money from the government on the date which this Regulation becomes effective, to be able to alter their intension of receiving such normal pension or special pension to be received as monthly pension or monthly special pension as the case may be.

6. Determination of transitory provisions for permanent employees who are entitled to receive normal pension or special pension to be able to alter their intension to receive monthly pension or monthly special pension.

Announcement on the Areas of Demonstration that Affect Internal Security of the Kingdom

The Cabinet approved the concept of the total of 3 draft Announcements and Regulation proposed by the Internal Security Operations Command of the Kingdom of Thailand, as follows:

1. Draft Announcement re: Areas of Demonstration that Affect Internal Security of the Kingdom. The main point is on the enforcement of the Internal Security Act in Dusit district, Bangkok from Saturday, August 29, to Tuesday, September 1 where the Internal Security Operations Command was assigned to enforce the said Act in accordance with Section 15 of the Internal Security Act B.E. 2551.

2. Draft Announcement re: Competent Officials Acting in accordance with the Internal Security Act B.E. 2551 to be officials or competent officials according to the law.

3. Draft Regulation released in accordance with Section 18 of the Internal Security Act B.E. 2551. Hence, the Internal Security Operations Command was assigned to enforce as planned and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban was authorized to take charge of security operations and serve as director of the operations center in accordance with Section 17 of the Internal Security Act B.E. 2551. The period of proceeding shall be from Saturday, August 29, to Tuesday, September 1 where, after such period, facts on the situation will be reconsidered and determined whether or not extension of such period will be necessary.

Approved Temporary Payment for Additional Cost of Living for State Enterprise Officials of the Metropolitan Electricity Authority.

The Cabinet approved temporary payment for additional cost of living for state enterprise officials of the Metropolitan Electricity Authority whose salary is below Baht 15,000 at an amount of no more than Baht 2,000, where after summing the received salary and the additional cost of living amount then the total amount received shall not exceed Baht 15,000. This will be effective for a period of 6 months.

Arrangement for Preparation of Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation between Thailand and Spain.

The Cabinet approved the draft Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation between Thailand and Spain while assigning the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA) to further execute with representatives from Spain as proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported as follows:

1. On October 6, 2003 Mr. Oscar Via, General Director for Trade Finance and Investments of Spain paid a courtesy visit to the Director, Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and discussed the possibilities of preparing the Memorandum of Understanding documents and the scope of academic cooperation between Thailand and Spain to assure non-returned support to the feasibility study of the possibility of Fondo de Estudios de Viabilidad : FEV project which the Government of Spain shall grant to Thailand.

2. Later the Embassy of Spain in Thailand delivered the draft Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation between Thailand and Spain to TICA for consideration which indicated the areas of cooperation i.e. water supply, infrastructure, preservation of the environment and tourism. Representatives from Spain and Thailand constantly discussed and amended the draft Memorandum of Understanding until lately representatives from Spain returns the draft Memorandum of Association sent from representatives of Thailand without any proposed change but only broadened a wider coverage of cooperation i.e. water management, sanitation and wastewater management, renewable energy and climate change and solid waste management.

3. Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs considered the major issues of the draft Memorandum of Association and deems that the support in the feasibility studies in the areas of cooperation which Thailand proposed and Spain agreed to provide support should not be an agreement that affects the boundaries of Thailand or outside borders beyond the territory which Thailand has rights of sovereignty or authority over or has mass effect on the economic or social security of the country or has obligations on trade, investment or budget in any significant way which requires approval from the parliament. On condition that the responsible government office is able to comply according to the law and related regulations then no enactment of an Acts is necessary for obligation with the agreement which require prior approval from the parliament.

--Cabinet Meeting (Abhisit Vejjajiva) August 25, 2009--

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