Company Name: Senken Shimbun
Address: 2-4-27 DOJIMA, KITA-KU, OSAKA
Tel: 06-6343-2013 Fax: 06-6343-0950
Established: 1956
Company Side: Mr. Takaaki Masaki, General Manager, Business Dept.
TTC Osaka:
- Ms. Sirikarn Amatayakul, Deputy Director
- Ms. Yasuko Seta
Senken Shimbun is working with TTC Tokyo Office for an event for apparel products with Apparel Industry Federation, METI and Textile Federation. Japanese textile industry group is going to visit Bangkok in November 2011 for business matching. Senken is also hoping to organize textile mission tour to Thai during BIFF/BIL 2012. They may need assistance for this mission from Osaka Office. During IFF (July 2011), DEP offered barter booth between IFF and BIFF/BIL, but details would discussed further.
TTC Osaka introduced idea to promote textile (or lifestyle) products at local select shop and seek advice from Senken. Mr. Masaki said that TTC should make project proposal to propose to local select shop such as Urban Research or Vallidge International. Project may cover fashion or lifestyle from one area such as Chiangmai, etc., or it may focus on designer or brand from Thai.
TTC will make project proposal for select shop promotion and visit and present the proposal to local select shop for their interest. If they are interested in the project, TTC will invite the company to BIFF/BIL in Feb. 2012.
Thai Trade Center Osaka
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