Embassy's Holidays in 2005
3 January Mon.. New Year's Holiday
10 January Mon. Coming of Age Day (the second Monday in January)
11 February Fri. National Foundation Day
20 March Sun. Vernal Equinox Day (around)
29 April Fri. Greenery Day
3 May Tue.. Constitution Day
4 May Wed. National Holiday
5 May Thu. Children's Day
18 July Mon. Marine Day(the third Monday in July)
19 September Mon. Respect-for-the-Aged Day(the third Monday in September)
23 September Fri. Autumnal Equinox Day (around)
10 October Mon. Health and Sports Day (the second Monday in October)
3 November Thu. Culture Day
23 November Wed. Labor Thanksgiving Day
23 December Fri. Emperor's Birthday
] 1) When a National Holiday falls on a Sunday, the following
Monday becomes a holiday.
2) When a day (except for Sunday and the above) is Sandwiched between
national holidays, it becomes a holiday itself. This rule is applicable for the
(FRI.)4th of May.
Source: Embassy of Japan in Thailand