Students in Years 11 - 13 have once again excelled in their final examinations. These successes reflect their tremendous dedication and resilience over a challenging two years, and the support provided by their teachers during periods away from school. The outstanding remote learning and the construction of a rigorous assessment framework gives real meaning and absolute value to these results. Year on year, our aim is for all students to be stretched and challenged, achieving their potential, and succeeding not only academically but in areas of enrichment and service. This personalised approach to learning ensures that every pupil develops the 'greater context', within which they can succeed at university and in the world of work.
Year 11 IGCSE Results
At IGCSE, Year 11 students achieved 56% of grades at A* - A, once again with A* being the most common grade overall. Of note is that 57% of students achieved 5 or more A* - A grades, their commitment during a tumultuous period of study paying dividends in preparing the groundwork for their continued success as they enter the Sixth Form.
In addition to their IGCSE's, a number of students sat AS Level Mathematics in Year 11 (a year early), with 50% achieving grade A.
Of particular note were:
Rainna, who achieved 9 A* grades, and AS Mathematics at grade A
Beck, who achieved 8 A* grades, and AS Mathematics at grade A
Jie Hua, who achieved 8 A* grades, 1 B and AS Mathematics at grade A
Mik, who achieved 6 A* and 2 A grades
Thunny, who achieved 4 A* and 5 A grades
Stephie, who achieved 3 A* and 5 A grades
Year 12 AS Level Results
At AS Level, 52% of grades were A (the highest grade), with students continuing to excel following their outstanding IGCSE results of 2020.
Of particular note were:
Mok, who achieved 4 A grades
Mook S., who achieved 4 A grades
Mickey, who achieved 4 A grades
Por, who achieved 4 A grades
Cartoon, who achieved 4 A grades
Year 12 A Level Results
In addition to their AS Level results, a number of students in Year 12 sat A Level Mathematics a year early, achieving 60% of grades at A* and a 100% pass rate at A*- A; simply stellar results.
Year 13 A Level Results
At A Level, 31% of grades were at A*, with 56% at A*- A. These results, as with those for IGCSE and AS Level, epitomise the 'can do' approach that students at St. Stephen's embody, and that instils in them the confidence required to shine at university.
Students of particular note include:
Boss, who achieved 5 A* grades
Nana, who achieved 3 A* and 1 A grade
Aim, who achieved 3A* grades
All Year 13 pupils have gained places at their first choice of university, with those staying in Thailand attending the most prestigious institutions in Bangkok, and those travelling overseas studying in the USA, the UK, and the Netherlands.
Principal John Rolfe said:
"The results emphasise the strong academic tradition of the school, which enables all students to achieve their potential, whatever their starting point. St. Stephen's is a non-selective school with many students coming to us with little English, and a variety of levels, but the vast majority achieve very highly in the First Language English examination in Year 11, and in all other subjects
Nearly all of the examination students have been with us for many years, a number since the Early Years, and so it is pleasing to see the tremendous success that they achieve. Our most able students achieve staggering results and show that they are among the best students in the country, and the world, and others have shown tremendous progress in their time at school. I am proud of them all."