Just five years since its launch, Brighton College Bangkok is celebrating its first A Level results this week, with Year 13 pupils achieving 97% of grades at A* or A, across a wide range of subjects.
The achievements of these pupils is remarkable, especially when much of the year has required learning from home. However, small class sizes, excellent teaching and pastoral support has led to some of the best results in the world. By comparison, in the UK as a whole, only 45% of grades achieved were A*-A.
Top performers were Natamon Chantima (Elise) and Chard Sujiphinyo (Aoon), who both achieved three top grades of A*. All pupils achieved at least two A grades, a staggering achievement.
Pupils will now accept their offers to study at some of the top universities in the world, including the Universities of Washington and Toronto in North America, and the Universities of York, Warwick and Loughborough in the UK.
For IGCSE, 86% of grades were A-B, with 52% of grades at A. The value added score for this cohort is 1.3, signifying that pupils achieved on average almost one and a half grades higher across all subjects than their baseline tests predicted. This is an extraordinary achievement.
Individuals worth a very special mention are Archawin Leelapanang (Phi) and Poppy Mawdsley, who both achieved the highest possible grades across the board in all 10 of the subjects they undertook, all A*s and 9s.
These results mirror the success across the Brighton College family of schools; with Brighton College in the UK, retaining its status as England's number one co-educational school. The Sunday Times have named Brighton College as the UK's School of the Decade, thanks in part to their consistently outstanding exam results.
Remarking on the A Level examination success at the school, Head Master, Mike Walton said: "We are delighted that our first ever cohort of Sixth Form pupils have achieved such outstanding A Level grades. By any measure, this has been an extraordinary set of results, reflecting their hard work, amazing support and inspirational teaching. It is not just the academic success that stands out, these young adults are lovely people and have been super role models to the younger pupils, shining in the many opportunities beyond the classroom. We will miss them, but wish them every success as they move on to their chosen universities around the world."
Remarking on the A Level results, Head of Sixth Form, Dale Whitehead said:
"I am delighted with these outstanding results and they are thoroughly well deserved. It has been a great privilege to work so closely with this, our first ever group of Year 13 pupils, for the past two years. I wish the pupils the very best of luck for the future and congratulate them on this special day. I could not be more proud of them and their amazing results."
Remarking on the IGCSE examination results, Carly Barber, Head of Senior School, said:
"Our Year 11 pupils have impressed us time and time again with their tenacity and resilience, and they really do deserve the excellent results they have achieved today. This year has presented lots of bumps in the road, but with great support from their teachers, our pupils have made us very proud with their consistent efforts. We look forward to welcoming them back in the new year."
About Brighton College Bangkok
Brighton College Bangkok opened in 2016, on a 50-rai campus in Krungthep Kreetha. The school teaches a British curriculum to more than 450 boys and girls aged 2- 18, leading to IGCSE and A Level qualifications. We are part of the Brighton College family of international schools, and a sister school to the UK's School of the Decade, as named by The Sunday Times.