The College of Management Mahidol University (CMMU) reinforces world-class management education standards with the AACSB accreditation, being one of the 5% of educational institutions accepted worldwide. The CMMU focuses on cultivating potential and preparing 'new generation executives' to drive leading businesses and organisations in the ASEAN region, through International Curricula in Management in seven areas: 1. Corporate Finance, 2. Entrepreneurship Management, 3. General Management, 4. Healthcare and Wellness Management, 5. Marketing and Management, 6. Managing for Sustainability, and 7. Management Research.
A recent survey showed that the trend for populations in the ASEAN region choosing to study abroad is increasing gradually, with courses that accelerate competitiveness in the global market being popular choices. The first example is data from UNESCO, stating that Indonesians mainly choose business and management courses, while Vietnamese prioritise business courses instead of social science courses. On the other hand, input from the world's largest university catalog reveals the top five most popular Master's Degree programs in Thailand are 1. Business, 2. Education, 3. Administration, 4. Management, and 5. Engineering. The strengths that made the CMMU a management school of choice for new generation executives include the following: a 'Variety of Programs' - including opportunities to study abroad, management strategy insights from 'Quality Profile Instructors', new management skills from 'Practical Learning', 'Good Value for Money' including double degrees. Those interested in studying for a Master's Degree in the International Program at the College of Management Mahidol University (CMMU), can apply from today - 24 January 2022 via https://www.cm.mahidol.ac.th/web/
Assoc Prof Dr Astrid Kainzbauer, Director of the International Curriculum, College of Management Mahidol University (CMMU) reveals that the CMMU is among the 5% of more than 17,000 educational institutions around the world that have received the AACSB accreditation from the global accrediting institution for business administration education. The CMMU focuses on cultivating the potential of new generation executives with knowledge, expertise and skills to drive leading businesses as well as national and international organisations. The CMMU has continued to develop its curricula to keep up with changes in the business world.
The CMMU Master of Management currently offers specializations in 7 areas:
The strengths that make the CMMU a management school of choice for new generation executives include:
- Variety of Programs' offering opportunities to study abroad - CMMU offers programs in partnership with leading management institutions from around the world in a variety of fields in the form of exchange programs and double degree programs. In addition to exchange programs with 40 partner universities, CMMU offers double degree programs including Master of Business in Marketing from UTS, the 'University of Technology Sydney' and also multiple degree options from Macquarie University, Australia.
- Management strategy insights from 'Quality Profile Instructors' - the CMMU has both Thai and International instructors with knowledge and expertise in management. Most recently, CMMU faculty members were ranked number one in Thailand and 78th in Asia from the "AD Scientific Index 2021", the World Scientist and Universities Rankings Agency 2021 in Strategic Management. The CMMU also received gold, silver and copper medals, respectively, covering areas including Accounting and Finance, Economics and Econometrics, Entrepreneurship and Business and Management.
- New management skills from 'Practical Learning' - the CMMU emphasises practical learning methods, as well as in-class knowledge exchange with the instructor as a mentor. The CMMU also invites executives from leading organisations/businesses both domestically and internationally as guest speakers to share experiences and issues encountered in business or organisational management. These practical case studies allow students to use the knowledge from the class to analyse and lay out strategies for effective management.
- 'Good Value for money' including double degree opportunities - studying at the CMMU gives access to international double degrees like Master of International Management at TSM Toulouse, a joint program with 'Toulouse School of Management', one of France's top business schools. The CMMU Master of Management program costs 429,000 baht, while the second degree (Toulouse) is free of charge. Also, an exchange semester at one of CMMU's 40 partner universities worldwide is free of charge.
Those interested in studying for a Master's Degree, International Curriculum at the College of Management Mahidol University (CMMU), can apply from today - 24 January 2022 via https://www.cm.mahidol.ac.th/web/. For more information, please contact Tel. +662-206-2000 or via Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CMMUMAHIDOL