Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Strategic Framework and IAI Work Plan 2 (2009-2015)

World News Tuesday March 3, 2009 11:59 —Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Part I- IAI Strategic Framework


1. The ASEAN Heads of State/Government at their Summit in 2000 launched the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) to narrow the development divide and enhance ASEAN’s competitiveness as a region to provide a framework for regional cooperation through which the more developed ASEAN members could help those member countries that most need it. The following year the ASEAN Foreign Ministers adopted the Hanoi Declaration on Narrowing the Development Gap (NDG) for Closer ASEAN Integration. The ASEAN Leaders in their 2003 Declaration of the ASEAN Concord (Bali Concord II) stressed that the deepening and broadening of ASEAN integration shall be accompanied by technical and development cooperation to address the development divide and accelerate the economic integration of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV) through the road map for the integration of ASEAN to enable all member states to move forward in a unified manner and that the benefits of ASEAN integration are shared. In this regard, the Vientiane Action Programme 2004-2010, a medium-term development plan to realize ASEAN Vision 2020, highlighted the strategic importance of narrowing the development gap to realize the ASEAN Community, and that the IAI be strengthened to address the needs of CLMV and sub-regional areas.

2. The 13th ASEAN Summit in 2007 agreed that narrowing the development gap remains an important task which will ensure that the benefits of ASEAN’s integration efforts are fully realized. The Leaders further noted that efforts to narrow the development gap should be aligned with the broader aspects of ASEAN’s integration initiatives. With the acceleration of the realization of the ASEAN Community to 2015, these efforts have become even more urgent.


3. The overall goal of the NDG is to promote, through concerted efforts, effective cooperation and mutual assistance to narrow the development gap among ASEAN Member States (AMS) and between ASEAN and the rest of the world.

4. In operational terms, NDG efforts shall assist the CLMV countries to meet ASEAN-wide targets and commitments towards realizing the ASEAN Community.

5. This will include specific regional cooperation activities aimed at assisting the less developed member states to achieve closer economic integration, to benefit from ASEAN schemes for regional economic integration activities, to supplement national efforts directly aimed at poverty reduction and the promotion of equitable and inclusive development.

IAI Work Plan

6. The efforts to narrow the development gap will be driven mainly by the IAI Work Plan. The first IAI Work Plan for the period 2002-2008 accomplished implementation of a total of 134 projects/programs attracting a total investment of about USD 191 million from ASEAN-6, and about USD 20 million by dialogue partners, development agencies and other partners. This does not include the other IAI related substantive support given to the CLMV, nor other projects implemented in the CLMV sub-region.

7. The IAI Strategic Framework provides the policy direction for the formulation, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of the IAI Work Plan for the period 2009-2015.

General Principles for Formulation of the IAI Work Plan

8. The NDG efforts in general, and the IAI in particular, are aligned with the three Community Blueprints namely the ASEAN Economic Blueprint, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Blueprint and the ASEAN Political Security Blueprint. Therefore the IAI Work Plan for the period 2009-2015 has been formulated based on the key program areas in each of the three Blueprints, the 1st IAI Work Plan 2002-2008, and the project ideas contained in the Mid-Term Review of the 1st IAI Work Plan 2002-2008.

9. While it is acknowledged that all AMS will benefit from the Blueprint actions and that CLMV countries may be accorded additional attention in the implementation of these actions, the programs to be included in the IAI Work Plan are those that are critical and necessary to hasten the integration process and to move forward in a unified manner in the implementation of the Blueprints.

10. Criteria for projects in the IAI Work Plan include identification of the precise needs of CLMV in terms of external assistance, the importance of a project’s role in national development plans, its effectiveness in building CLMV capacity for participation in ASEAN programs, long term continuity and sustainability, and absorptive capacity of CLMV countries. This will ensure that IAI projects have coherence, focus, ensure adequate coverage, reflect substantive gaps in priority sectors and activities essential for integration, and more importantly are responsive to CLMV needs.

11. While capacity building and human resource development is key to IAI efforts, there is a need to encourage the development of infrastructure as a means to promote ASEAN integration.

Implementation/Management Arrangements

12. The ASEAN Summit will provide overall guidance and advice on the implementation of the NDG initiative, and in particular approve the IAI Work Plan.

13. The ASEAN Coordinating Council in consultation with relevant ministerial bodies will provide recommendations to the ASEAN Summit with regard to the implementation of the NDG initiatives.

14. The IAI Task Force will provide policy guidelines, directions, and general advice on the IAI Work Plan; ensure coordination among the AMS; assist in formulation, implementation and design of the IAI Work Plan; seek funding and work closely with dialogue partners, development agencies and other partners in the implementation of the IAI Work Plan.

15. The co-shepherds mechanism shall continue to operate to foster greater collaboration in the formulation and implementation of ASEAN-6 assistance to the CLMV countries.

16. The ASEAN Secretariat, in particular through the IAI Unit, shall support the above bodies in the implementation of the IAI Work Plan and activities of other sub-regional frameworks. This will include servicing the meetings, assist in formulation, implementation, monitoring and reporting of projects, resource mobilization and overall operational coordination among the various bodies.

Resource Mobilization

17. New, additional and innovative resource mobilization shall be a key aspect of the implementation of the IAI Work Plan. The assistance and resources shall come from the following sources: ASEAN; ASEAN Dialogue Partners and Sectoral Partners, and Development Partners (ASEAN Partners); regional and international financial institutions; and private sector, foundations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).


18. The Leaders have stressed that the IAI shall essentially be a mechanism for ASEAN-6 to help the CLMV countries. In that sense, ASEAN-6 shall continue to support and provide assistance and resources through ASEAN-6 contribution to the IAI Work Plan, and through bilateral initiatives. In addition, ASEAN-6 promoting joint projects with partial funding, in line with their more developed status, will be an attractive proposition to dialogue partners and other partners. By its very nature, projects sponsored by ASEAN-6 would acquire greater coherence and a higher degree of organization, strengthen ASEAN solidarity and present an image of doing something for itself and of other ASEAN countries as helping one another, and therefore attract outside funding and support.

19. The ASEAN Development Fund may be used to leverage funding of regional cooperation programs and projects from dialogue partners and other donors, provide seed funding for initial activities of large scale projects, and to provide full funding support to small and short-term projects of a confidential or strategic nature.

ASEAN Partners

20. The NDG has revitalized the development-cooperation dimension of ASEAN’s partners and made its projects the focus and center of development cooperation between ASEAN and its partners. Therefore, in addition to the on-going support provided to ASEAN, the partners should be encouraged to provide additional funding for the IAI activities. As explained above, partners should also explore joint projects with ASEAN-6 that will enhance collaboration beyond aid to joint partners for IAI activities. Special consideration for the participation of CLMV ought to be built into the design of all ASEAN cooperation programs, projects, and activities.

Private enterprises, Foundations and NGOs

21. The private enterprises, foundations and NGOs make substantial contributions to the socio-economic development of the CLMV countries. In fact, the IAI Work Plan cannot match the much needed funding for physical infrastructure projects of the private sector. The IAI Work Plan should therefore adopt a strategy to promote private sector investment, to expand their scope on a sub-regional scale by providing assistance in drawing feasibility studies for such infrastructure, conduct studies that are needed in seeking financing from international financial institutions or from private investors, organizing CLMV-wide investment and trade promotion fora, exhibitions etc.

Monitoring/Reporting Arrangements

22. Regular monitoring and implementation of IAI Work Plan will be undertaken by the various institutional mechanisms outlined above.

23. Specifically, (i) the CLMV countries shall report annually on the assistance they have received from all sources concentrating on the utility, impact and effectiveness of the projects (ii) ASEAN-6 shall submit annual reports on their assistance programs for the CLMV countries, and (iii) the ASEAN Secretariat shall consolidate these reports together with its own account of IAI support from ASEAN partners.

24. A set of key parameters representative of narrowing the development gap shall be adopted to monitor its progress. For this purpose a study will be undertaken to determine these key parameters, building upon the ASEAN Baseline Report conducted by the ASEAN Secretariat.

25. The IAI Work Plan 2 (2009-2015) shall be reviewed periodically to take into account ASEAN Community building process and emerging needs of CLMV countries.

Part II — IAI Work Plan 2 (2009-2015)

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

A. Single Market and Production Base

A1. Free Flow of Goods


i. Conduct a study by 2009 to analyze the state, in each of the CLMV countries, of each of the relevant priority sectors and how the sector would benefit from or be affected by more rapid regional integration within ASEAN, proposing measures to undertake adjustments to reap the benefits and mitigate the costs.

ii. Implement the agreed measures recommended by the above study.

iii. Conduct a study by 2009 to identify obstacles encountered by CLMV exporters to or through ASEAN-6 countries and vice versa.

iv. Conduct a review by 2010 with a view to implement effectively the ASEAN Integration System of Preferences.

v. Conduct a study by 2009 of ways in which the ASEAN-6 can help strengthen the export competitiveness of the CLMV countries.

vi. Implement the agreed recommendations of the study, completed in 2004, on managing the revenue losses and adjustment costs arising from CLMV participation in AFTA.

vii. Assist CLMV in capacity building to ensure the implementation of National Single Window by 2012.

viii. Conduct attachment programs and other methods of improving the familiarity of the customs and other agencies of the CLMV countries with the CEPT scheme and other integration measures and strengthening their capacity to implement them.

ix. Conduct programs to familiarize the private sector in the CLMV countries with ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) and other integration measures.

x. Continue implementation of the IAI training and institution-building programs in customs administration and operations.

xi. Continue implementation of additional programs on the basis of a coherent capacity building program adopted by the ASEAN customs authorities, including training in the application of rules of origin, risk assessment, and enforcement of agreements related to customs.

xii. Provide assistance to those CLMV countries that need assistance in drafting or amending customs-related legislation.

xiii. Implement programs on customs-related information on transparency, appeal mechanism and access to information.

xiv. Implement programs on customs automation.

xv. Provide support for implementation of CLMV national master plans on standards and conformity assessment, including the improvement of technical infrastructure and equipment.

xvi. Conduct capacity-building projects for the improvement of technical infrastructure, on-the-job training in laboratories, product certification, implementation of ISO directives, technical training for regulatory bodies, and accreditation and certification within the framework of a capacity-building program adopted by ACCSQ.

xvii. Provide technical assistance in the establishment of national standards for those CLMV that needs it.

xviii. Provide technical assistance in the harmonization of standards and technical regulations primarily in the 12 priority sectors of the AEC.

xix. Strengthen strategic alliance between agricultural cooperatives in CLMV through bilateral and regional cooperation and promote business linkages among the potential agricultural cooperatives within ASEAN.

A2. Free Flow of Services


i. Conduct a study by 2009 to analyze the state and impact of free flow of services in each of the CLMV countries in the global and regional contexts, including the five priority sectors for the integration of trade in services.

ii. Implement the agreed measures recommended by the above study.

iii. Provide technical assistance by 2012 in formulating services related policy measures in tourism sector including air transport services, liberalization of tourism services, and the use of tourism professionals.

iv. Provide joint training by 2011 in tourism services sector to strengthen the capacity of government officials and private sectors in charge of services in CLMV countries.

A3. Free Flow of Investment


i. Conduct a research study to identify the difficulties encountered by investors in their operations in CLMV countries.

ii. Undertake a review on possible strategies to attract investment, improve the investment climate, build capacities and maximize the benefits of FDI for development.

iii. Conduct capacity building programs to review, streamline and simplify procedures for investment applications and approvals.

iv. Provide technical assistance in strengthening databases, such as on rules and regulations and incentives, for investments covering goods and services to facilitate policy formulation, and dissemination of investment information.

v. Conduct a study of the human resource requirements of the sectors to which the CLMV countries seek to draw investments, including reforms in the educational system and short-term vocational training.

vi. Conduct programs to familiarize the private sector in the CLMV countries with ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA) and other integration measures.

A4. Freer Flow of Capital


i. Conduct training programmes in dealing with financial issues, including possible assistance in developing financial system in CLMV.

ii. Develop capacity building for CLMV in the areas of capital market with the aim to facilitate liberalization in the financial sectors.

iii. Enhance capacity building for Central Banks of CLMV in managing monetary policies, monitoring and supervision.

iv. Enhance competitiveness of commercial banks in CLMV in areas such as human resource development, modernization of banking technology and risk management, etc.

v. Provide on-the-job training to the personnel of CLMV in ASEAN-6 for an appropriate duration in relevant institutions in the areas of capital market developments, financial services liberalization and capital account liberalization.

A5. Free Flow of Skilled Labour


i. Conduct training by 2010 to assist CLMV in implementing the Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) signed.

A6. Priority Integration Sectors


i. Assist CLMV to implement measures identified in the Roadmaps for Integration of Priority Sectors.

ii. Develop capacity building programs for CLMV authorities involved in the implementation of the measures identified in the Roadmaps for Integration of the PIS.

A7. Food, Agriculture and Forestry


i. Conduct capacity building for harmonization and inspection/sampling procedures.

ii. Provide assistance to harmonize the Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) of commonly used pesticides for widely traded crop products in accordance with international standards/guides.

iii. Conduct a study by 2011 on how to increase competitiveness of food, agriculture and forestry products/commodities including addressing gap among CLMV and other ASEAN Member States in relation to food, agriculture and forestry related issues.

iv. Provide assistance to CLMV by 2011 in implementing Good Agriculture / Aquaculture Practices (GAP) for agricultural and food products and develop national GAP.

v. Provide assistance to each CLMV country to harmonise Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary (SPS) measures for agricultural, food and forestry products with significant trade / trade potential.

vi. Conduct training by 2011 on Criteria and Indicators for Forest Certification for each CLMV country.

vii. Develop collaborative research and technology transfer in food, agriculture and forestry products including training and extension programmes for CLMV countries.

viii. Establish strategic alliances and joint approaches with the private sectors in promoting food safety, investment and joint venture opportunities, promotion of agricultural products and market access in each CLMV country.

ix. Conduct study to empower and enhance market access of agricultural products and to build a network mechanism linking agricultural cooperatives among CLMV and other ASEAN Member States.

x. Organize workshops on strengthening efforts to combat illegal logging and its associated trade for the CLMV countries.

xi. Organise training workshops on Good Manufacturing Practices/Good Hygiene Practices and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in relation to food, agriculture, aquaculture and forestry products.

B. Competitive Economic Region

B1. Competition Policy


i. Conduct programs to strengthen rule of law in CLMV through capacity building, including the enforcement of contracts, competition policy, dispute settlement, and government policy reform.

ii. Provide support for CLMV in developing competition policy.

B2. Consumer Protection


i. Provide technical assistance by 2011 for CLMV countries on policy formulation, development and improvement of consumer protection guidelines and legal framework.

ii. Implement capacity building programs by 2011 on consumer protection through organising seminars, workshops, study visits and training courses.

iii. Provide assistance to those CLMV countries that need assistance in drafting protection-related registration especially with regard to unfair and deceptive practices including false and deceptive advertising, abusive sales tactics, consumer fraud and other unfair business practices.

B3. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)


i. Organise training and workshops by 2010 on implications of IPR in regional FTAs.

ii. Provide necessary technical assistance to CLMV countries in the implementation of the ASEAN IPR Action Plan 2004 — 2010 and the Work Plan for ASEAN Cooperation on Copy Rights.

iii. Assist CLMV countries to enhance their IPR systems.

B4. Infrastructure Development


i. Continuation, intensification and expansion of training in multimodal transport.

ii. Provide training by 2011 in multimodal transport, logistics, and supply chain management .

iii. Provide technical assistance and training for CLMV in establishing and operating their segments of the Singapore-Kunming Rail Link.

iv. Conduct a feasibility study on the upgrading of secondary roads in each of the CLMV countries for connection to the ASEAN Highway Network.

v. Undertake activities on the application of information and communications technology to transportation.

vi. Conduct training projects for container transport, urban transport planning, traffic management, and transport engineering.

vii. Conduct a capacity building project on traffic safety in inland waterways.

viii. Consider implementation of Viet Nam’s proposal to convert the Inland Waterways College in Ho Chi Minh City into a regional training center for inland waterways.

ix. Provide support to amend the road transport law and road traffic law for CLMV by 2010 to comply with regional obligations.

x. Provide training on railway operation for CLMV.

xi. Implement projects to build CLMV capacity to participate in ASEAN energy schemes, primarily the ASEAN Power Grid.

xii. Provide training by 2011 in high-voltage inter-connection and in power-systems planning.

xiii. Provide training in fuel quality testing, fuel transport safety, power trading and negotiations on transboundary power tariffs.

xiv. Develop a program of fuel conservation and renewable energy, with a training component by 2010.

xv. Provide support for formulation of national ICT master plans by 2010.

xvi. Provide support for formulation of e-government master plans.

xvii. Provide support for formulation of national action plans for human resource development in ICT.

xviii. Provide support to review telecommunications regulations to support liberalization (and development) of the telecom sector with an integrated approach on regulation and policy reform (on competition policy, foreign investment, licensing, allocation of resources such as frequencies and access facilities).

xix. Provide support to complete the GMS Information Superhighway to provide the telecom backbone network and connectivity to all parts of CLMV.

xx. Conduct a study and implement measures to implement CLMV ICT manufacturing bases/clusters (and to be connected to other IT parks in ASEAN).

xxi. Conduct training programs on the basis of a coherent program for the ICT focal points of CLMV.

B5. Taxation


i. Organise workshops and seminars on taxation matters.

ii. Provide necessary assistance related to developing bilateral agreement on avoidance of double taxation to CLMV countries that need assistance.

iii. Provide technical assistance on tax structure enhancement to CLMV for the eventual harmonization with other ASEAN Member Countries’ tax systems.

B6. E-Commerce


i. Provide support by 2010 to develop e-commerce friendly environment (to cover the areas of e-commerce law, digital signature, information security, etc).

ii. Develop capacity building/training programs on the utilization of e-commerce.

C. Equitable Economic Development

C1. SME Development


i. Conduct a study by 2009 to determine how the rural areas of each of the CLMV countries could benefit from the integration of each of the 12 priority sectors.

ii. Implement the agreed measures recommended by the above study.

iii. Continue implementation of workshops on standardization and quality, and training programs on quality improvement for SME in the CLMV countries.

iv. Conduct a series of projects to cultivate entrepreneurship in CLMV countries, taking in account the Entrepreneurship Development Centers set up by India.

v. Organize a series of seminars on sharing of experiences on access to financing for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

vi. Develop capacity building/training programs for CLMV countries that need assistance in enhancing competitiveness of their SMEs.

D. Integration into the Global Economy

D1. Coherent Approach Towards External Economic Relations


i. Conduct training programs for the CLMV countries in the application of the rules of origin of trade agreements concluded or being negotiated by ASEAN.

ii. Conduct capacity building programs to provide policy advice to CLMV governments in the negotiations of free trade agreements in accordance with their respective needs and interest.

iii. Provide assistance to the CLMV governments in ensuring that their specific requirements are taken into account in the study on the investment elements of FTAs being negotiated between ASEAN and Dialogue Partners.

D2. Enhanced Participation in Global Supply Networks


i. Provide training in the assessment of overseas markets.

ii. Conduct studies of the major markets for actual or potential CLMV exports.

iii. Support CLMV countries in conducting studies on impact of integration in agricultural sector.

ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)

A. Human Development

A1. Advancing and Prioritising Education


i. Conduct a program for training in the management of higher education for CLMV countries.

A2. Investing in Human Resource Development


i. Conduct a seminar by 2009 on strategic planning for skills development.

ii. Study the possibility of establishing vocational/university exchange programs or temporary training programs for certain skills sets that are needed for CLMV.

A3. Promotion of Decent Work


i. Implement a program by 2010 to promote safety in the work place in CLMV countries.

ii. Provide advisory assistance to CLMV in the development of the informal sector, including policy measures and training programs.

A4. Promoting Information and Communication Technology (ICT)


i. Provide expertise training in the management of large-scale ICT projects in CLMV countries.

ii. Provide support in building up and developing a group of CEOs for ICT.

iii. Provide support for CLMV countries in studying and building of structures and information standards serving e-government.

iv. Develop a standard ICT infrastructure of CLMV for their people, especially women, youth, elderly and persons with disability, to easily access ICT.

v. Provide ICT training for people in each CLMV country including women, youth, elderly and persons with disability.

vi. Provide support to implement capacity building programmes to increase ICT literacy in ASEAN, including women, children, elderly and people with disabilities.

A5. Facilitating Access to Applied Science and Technology


i. Provide support to implement the ASEAN-Help-ASEAN programme to address the S&T needs and strengthen the S&T infrastructure of CLMV.

ii. Design activities to improve the capabilities of CLMV to undertake collaborative research and development in enabling technologies.

iii. Provide assistance to CLMV to develop national S&T indicators that can serve as inputs in the development of human resource strategies by economic and industry players.

A6. Strengthening Entrepreneurship Skills for Women, Youth, Elderly and Persons with Disabilities


i. Establish an entrepreneurship forum by 2010 for entrepreneurs who are women, youth, elderly and persons with disability of ASEAN-6 to share their experiences and assist their CLMV partners in the way of doing business effectively, including the use of micro credit, access to seed capital and the market.

ii. Provide women, youth, elderly and persons with disability in CLMV with knowledge on international commerce by 2010.

A7. Building Civil Service Capability


i. Invest in infrastructure of civil service in CLMV with due attention to gender responsive aspects by 2010.

ii. Strengthen the capability of ASEAN Resource Centers under the auspices of the ASEAN Conference on Civil Service Matters (ACCSM) to develop training for CLMV civil services by 2009.

iii. Provide “Train the Trainers” session for CLMV officials in their respective countries to develop skills and capability in real working environment by 2012.

iv. Develop and conduct a training program by 2009 for CLMV to promote effective and efficient civil service, public accountability and good governance.

v. Develop and conduct e-learning programs by 2009 on specific areas of public management among ASEAN civil services.

vi. Organise study tours by 2010 on activities of foreign news services to ASEAN-6 countries and ASEAN Dialogue Partners to learn experiences.

vii. Conduct training/workshops by 2010 for CLMV on civil service performance (evaluation appraisal) system.

viii. Conduct workshops by 2012 for CLMV middle level managers to share experience on governance and civil service management.

B. Social Welfare and Protection

B1. Poverty Alleviation


i. Conduct workshops by 2010 for CLMV to review and assess the impact of numerous internationally funded poverty-reduction programs and to adopt best practices.

ii. Implement projects related to poverty alleviation in CLMV with due attention to female households in rural areas.

iii. Conduct workshops on economic development at grassroots level and in rural areas.

B2. Social safety Net and Protection from the Negative Impacts of Integration and Globalization


i. Conduct a study by 2012 for CLMV to assess the formal and informal mechanisms for social security and social protection, and if necessary to modify those mechanisms with due attention to gender responsive aspects.

ii. Conduct studies focusing on identifying the impact of labor emigration on various CLMV industries as well as on identifying the specific needs of those industries.

B3. Enhancing Food Security and Safety


i. Conduct capacity building programs by 2011 on risk analysis including training for CLMV countries to support food safety measures.

B4. Access to Healthcare and Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle


i. Enhance quality of herbal medicine and prevent illegal importation by 2011.

ii. Develop and implement action plan under the new ASEAN-WHO Memorandum of Understanding (2009-2013) to include capacity building activities on Healthy Lifestyles for CLMV by 2013.

B5. Improving Capability to Control Communicable Diseases


i. Integrate responses to HIV epidemic under the Third ASEAN Work Programme on HIV and AIDS, 2006-2013.

ii. Employing existing mechanisms to control other Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) including TB and Malaria.

iii. Integrate HIV and AIDS impact assessment into the feasibility study phase for development projects with due attention to gender responsive aspects.

B6. Ensuring a Drug-Free ASEAN


i. Provide support by 2011 in exchange of experiences, best practices and technical assistance to develop patterns for drug-replacement crops/alternative crops as substitute in the areas previously used for illicit drug crops.

ii. Enhance capabilities and provide technical assistance for the treatment and rehabilitation of addicted persons including synthetic drugs users.

iii. Provide advisory assistance to create linkages between government, non-governmental organizations and civil society to establish comprehensive system which can provide treatment, rehabilitation and aftercare services.

iv. Develop national public awareness strategy and implementation plan against the threat of illicit drug.

B7. Building Disaster-Resilient Nations and Safer Communities


i. Organize training courses and workshops for CLMV countries to enhance capabilities in disaster responses, and search and rescue.

ii. Provide support in terms of equipments and upgrading of infrastructure for search and rescue, and disaster responses by 2012.

iii. Provide more capacity building in disaster management and emergency response.

C. Social Justice and Rights

C1. Promotion and Protection of the Rights and Welfare of Women, Children, the Elderly, and Persons with Disabilities


i. Develop and implement by 2011 capacity building activities (workshops, trainings and study tours) for CLMV on caring societies.

ii. Conduct an ASEAN Workshop to promote understanding, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the rights of the child, based on the convention on the Rights of the Child.

C2. Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers


i. Provide advisory services to the CLMV countries for the purpose of developing their capacity to manage overseas employment programs.

ii. Provide training/technical assistance/capacity building by 2011 towards the establishment of clear and easily accessible emigration/immigration procedures and documentation, with a view to aid safe and regular migration.

C3. Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


i. Provide training on the concept of corporate social responsibility and its environment for effective implementation in national and international markets.

ii. Develop and implement a comprehensive program to build capacity of CLMV countries for effective implementation of international best practices on corporate social responsibility.

iii. Conduct reviews on the implementation and continual support for strengthening the capacity of CLMV and promoting the conformity assessment activities, and addressing issues of particular concern to international market access.

D. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability

D1. Addressing Global Environmental Issues


i. Develop and implement a comprehensive program to build capacity of CLMV for effective participation and negotiations in multilateral environmental agreements and implementation of their obligations to those agreements.

D2. Managing and Preventing Transboundary Environmental Pollution


i. Promote and share the experiences of ASEAN 6 in managing forest fires and transboundary haze pollution for CLMV through the Mekong Technical Working Group on Transboundary Haze Pollution.

ii. Promote capacity building on the management of Hazardous Chemicals and Substances as well as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).

D3. Promoting Sustainable Development through Environmental Education and Public Participation


i. Provide additional support by 2012 to CLMV countries in the implementation of the ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan (2008-2012), addressing issues of particular concern to CLMV.

D4. Promoting Environmentally Sound Technology (EST)


i. Promote capacity building by 2012 on environment labelling and certification schemes, and use of alternate and renewable energies as well as Best Available Techniques and Best Environment Practices (BAT/BEP).

ii. Enhance the capacity of CLMV countries in managing environmental pollution in handicraft villages.

D5. Promoting Quality Living Standards in ASEAN Cities/Urban Areas


i. Promote best practices through the ASEAN Environmentally Sustainable Cities (ESC) Award for urban centres in CLMV.

D6. Harmonizing Environmental Policies and Databases


i. Provide support to CLMV for producing state of the environment reports.

ii. Provide assistance to harmonize key environmental parameters, including capacity building for monitoring and analyzing environmental pollutants.

D7. Promoting the Sustainable use of Coastal and Marine Environment


i. Develop a program by 2010 to build capacity for the implementation of the ASEAN Marine Water Quality: Management Guidelines and Monitoring Manual.

ii. Develop the model of community’s participation in environmentally sustainable coastal zone economic development in CLMV.

D8. Promoting Sustainable Management of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity


i. Provide support to encourage more natural conservation areas, including listing in the ASEAN Heritage Parks Programs and World Heritage Sites.

ii. The ASEAN Center for Biodiversity to provide additional support in all its activities to the CLMV countries with regard to sustainable management of biodiversity of the region.

iii. Strengthen biodiversity conservation and natural resources protection through the establishment of transboundary protected areas among CLMV countries.

D9. Promoting the Sustainability of Freshwater Resources


i. Provide more assistance to CLMV countries in the implementation of the ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on Water Resources Management.

ii. Lend more support to the Mekong River Commission to enable comprehensive integrated water resources management of the region.

D10. Responding to Climate Change and Addressing its Impacts


i. Assess the impact of climate change on biodiversity, water resources, climate related disasters such as floods and fires, and draw up adaptation and mitigation plans by 2012.

D11. Promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)


i. Promote capacity building and strengthen joint efforts to combat illegal logging and its associated trade, forest fires and its resultant effects.

ii. Promote the development of eco-tourism through training activities and study tours.

iii. Promote information sharing on rearing and breeding of Wild Fauna and Flora.

iv. Promote exchange of experience and best practice on forest law enforcement and governance in the respective countries and strengthen activities to implement commitments to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN).

v. Provide assistance to CLMV countries in implementing the ASEAN criteria and indicators for sustainable management of tropical forest.

vi. Provide assistance to CLMV countries to implement the GMS Program on Reafforestation.

E. Building ASEAN Identity

E1. Promotion of ASEAN Awareness and a Sense of Community


i. Provide assistance to CLMV countries in the writing, translation if necessary, production and distribution of textbooks on Southeast Asia and ASEAN for different educational levels and in developing courses on these subjects, and translation of ASEAN Documents.

ii. Conduct cultural activities in order to promote cultural awareness among the young people by 2011.

iii. Assist CLMV countries in the implementation of programs to promote public images and awareness of ASEAN.

E2. Preservation and Promotion of ASEAN Cultural Heritage


i. Organise workshops by 2012 on preservation and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

ii. Conduct workshops on dissemination and preservation of cultural heritage at risk.

E3. Promotion of Cultural Creativity and Industry


i. Organise study tour for people engaged in small and medium sized cultural enterprises from CLMV countries to other ASEAN member countries with good experience in cultural industry.

ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC)

A. A Rules-Based Community of Shared Values and Norms (Political Cooperation)


i. Develop capacity building programs to complement the existing CLMV countries’ efforts in the areas of rule of law and judiciary systems and legal infrastructure, promotion and protection of human rights, political and social development, effective and efficient civil services, and good governance in the public and private sectors.

ii. Promote capacity building for CLMV countries in the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

B. A Cohesive, Peaceful and Resilient Region with Shared Responsibility for Comprehensive Security (Security Cooperation)


i. Provide capacity building to CLMV countries to better participate in ASEAN programs related to combating transnational crimes and terrorism.

ii. Develop capacity building programme in the areas of conflict resolution and pacific settlement of dispute

C. A Dynamic and Outward-Looking Region in an Increasingly Integrated and Interdependent World (External Relations)


i. Provide capacity building to CLMV countries to better participate and engage in relevant multilateral initiatives.

ii. Provide support to CLMV countries to reap the full benefit of ASEAN’s engagement with external partners.

General Enabling Actions

i. Conduct projects to raise English-language efficiency of government officials and people of the CLMV countries.

ii. Provide further attachment to the ASEAN Secretariat of CLMV officials, from the ASEAN National Secretariat as well as from key ministries involved in ASEAN affairs.

iii. Provide training, including training-for-trainers, in the formulation and management of projects.

iv. Develop a set of indicators for measuring the progress of CLMV towards the narrowing the development gap.

For further information, please contact the Press Division, Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tel.02-6435170, Fax.02-6435169, E-mail:


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