Thailand’s Policy and Measures in Combating Influenza A (H1N1)

World News Monday May 18, 2009 13:40 —Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 12 May 2009, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva of Thailand confirmed to the press that a case of influenza A (H1N1) has been found in Kingdom. Later on the same day, Public Health Minister Withaya Kaewparadai made public statement that two laboratory-confirmed cases of Influenza A (H1N1) infection have been found in Thailand, and the Thai public health authority has already reported to the World Health Organization (WHO), in compliance with the WHO International Health Regulation. However, the Ministry of Public Health also confirmed that both Thai patients have been treated and have fully recovered, and that these two cases contracted the virus while traveling outside Thailand. There is no evidence of community transmission of the virus within the Kingdom.

The two Thai nationals recently returned, in separate trips, from Mexico in early May. Upon their arrival in Thailand, they had undergone immediate medical care under close supervision by Thai public health authority. After treatment with full dosage of anti-viral drugs, laboratory result confirms that the two patients no longer sustain the infection, there is no trace of A (H1N1), and as they are no longer infectious, they are deemed safe to return home. Meanwhile, as preventive measure, all persons who have been in close contact with the two patients have also undergone close surveillance by authorities. Until now, they have shown no signs of any symptoms.

Thailand is fully prepared to cope with the possible situation of outbreak within the Kingdom. Intensive medical measures are being implemented, and the situation is still under control. Efficient surveillance and quarantine processes by Thai public health authority ensure that the general public’s welfare is not compromised, and Thailand should be considered to be safe. However, in the light of the current circumstances, Thailand continues to actively implement policy and stringent measures to prevent and control the spread of Influenza A (H1N1).

With experiences gained from the successful combat and containment of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) during 2003-2004 and the Avian Influenza during 2004-2005, Thailand is well prepared for this current outbreak of A (H1N1). On 29 April 2009, by the instruction of the Prime Minister, the National Committee on the Preparedness and Response to Pandemic Influenza has been established as a national inter-agency mechanism for policymaking and strategic determination to prevent and control the pandemic influenza under given circumstances, as well as to assist affected persons. The Ministries of Public Health, Foreign Affairs, Interior, and the Department of Livestock Development are among concerned agencies working together under the national committee. This committee also implements the Master Operational Plan for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness B.E. 2552 (2009) which has been put in place by the Ministry of Public Health, and adopted by the Thai Cabinet since 8 April 2009.

The Minister of Public Health has ordered that the Operation Center for Preparedness and Response to Pandemic Influenza be set up at the Ministry of Public Health, with two 24-hour hotlines in service, namely, the Ministry of Public Health Hotline 02 590 1994 (for calls within Thailand) or +66 2 590 1994 (for calls from abroad), and the Department of Disease Control 02 590 3333 (for calls within Thailand) or +66 2 590 3333 (for calls from abroad). Information can also be found in the website of the Bureau of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Department of Disease Control, at

The Thai public health authority has also activated other preventive measures, including monitoring and screening of inbound international travelers; deployment of infrared thermo scanners at every international airport in Thailand; distribution of Health Beware Cards and health questionnaire to inbound international travelers, in collaboration with international airlines; and coordination with travel agencies, hotels and airlines in order to take care and give advice to travelers. On 6 May 2009, the Ministry of Public Health also held a meeting with all provincial governors to activate and reinforce implementation of provincial pandemic preparedness plan as well as to run a medical simulation exercise on the emergency situation in case of an outbreak anywhere in the Kingdom. Health officers and health volunteers all over the country have also been participating in the national effort to monitor the influenza.

At the regional and international level, Thailand has been enjoying close collaboration with the WHO and is actively working together with the WHO to combat the H1N1 outbreak. The Royal Thai Government has also donated medicines and medical supplies worth US$ 20,000.- to Mexico, in the spirit of solidarity with the frontline country against the pandemic.

As the current Chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Thailand offered to be a venue for ASEAN Health Ministers as well as their counterparts from the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, to meet and discuss on the epidemic. The ASEAN+3 Health Ministers’ Special Meeting on Influenza A (H1N1) was held on 7-8 May 2009 in Bangkok, under the chairmanship of Dr. Francisco T. Duque III, Health Secretary of the Philippines, and was officially opened by the Thai Prime Minister. Among the participants were Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, ASEAN Secretary-General; representatives from related international organizations including WHO, UN System Influenza Coordination (UNSIC) and World Bank; as well as the participation by teleconference of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC). Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, and Mr. Jose Angel Cordova, Health Minister of Mexico, also addressed the Meeting via video messages.

The two-day meeting brought about a remarkable success as participants agreed that Influenza A (H1N1) was the threat to wellbeing of people in the region which houses more than half of global populations. The ASEAN+3 countries are committed to implementation of the national pandemic preparedness plan abided by International Health Regulation (2005). Focus will be on surveillance, effective response and risk communications for the public to reduce the spread of the disease and mitigate the adverse impact on individuals, societies, and the Region. Also, the ASEAN+3 nations look forward to sharing information, technology, resources, laboratory facilities, stockpiles of essential medicines and supplies in the region. Participants will also make a concerted effort in bringing the outcome of this meeting to the attention of the upcoming 62nd World Heath Assembly in Geneva.

Despite the outbreak and the health measures taken, Thailand still welcomes international travelers. Pork products in Thailand, properly cooked or processed, are safe for human consumption, and medical service in Thailand is of international standard. The public health authority in Thailand has full confidence that, with our level of preparedness gained through past experiences, collaboration with the WHO and with other countries, and cooperation from the general public, we shall be able to continue to put situation under control in Thailand.

For further information, please contact the Press Division, Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tel.02-6435170, Fax.02-6435169, E-mail:


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