Thai-Indian relations boosted in all dimensions

World News Friday October 9, 2009 13:27 —Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 7 October 2009, Vice Foreign Minister Panich Vikitsreth, accompanying Deputy Prime Minister Korbsak Sabhavasu on a two-day economic roadshow to India, called on Mrs. Praneet Kaur, Deputy Foreign Minister of India in New Delhi.

VFM Panich informed the Indian side that DPM Korbsak’s visit to India is aimed at exploring ways to boost trade and investment between India and Thailand, given the huge potential of the Indian market. In the context of a changing global economy, Thailand places great importance on India and has set high hopes to increase cooperation with India in all dimensions, especially seizing the opportunity during Thailand’s chairmanship of ASEAN. (The ASEAN-India FTA was recently signed in Bangkok on 13 August 2009.) VFM Panich also expressed appreciation for India’s warm hospitality in facilitating the visits of H.R.H. Princess Sirithorn’s most recent visit to India in August.

During their meeting, the VFM discussed the impending exchange of visits of the two countries’ leaders, namely the visit to Thailand of Prime Minister Singh to attend the upcoming 15th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Thailand and the visit of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to India, expected at the end of the year. Both visits will undoubtedly contribute to further deepening relations between the two countries.

Both sides agreed that Thailand and India further promote two-way tourism as the number of Thai tourists currently traveling to India is substantially less than Indian tourists to Thailand (600,000 per annum). Thailand places great importance on logistics connectivity, linking India, Myanmar and Thailand to the East West Economic Corridor. Exploring how to cooperate in boosting the number of tourists to India, VFM Panich noted that the two countries hold a common advantage as prime Buddhist pilgrimage destinations. Foreign tourists can stop over, touring Buddhist historical sites and visit Thailand’s attractive destinations, while en route to India, the birthplace of Buddhism.

VFM Panich took the opportunity to exchange views on regional issues, including Indo-China relations and Myanmar. DFM Kaur affirmed that India and China enjoy good relations and, like the relations between any countries, there is always room to further enhance their relations.

For further information, please contact the Press Division, Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tel.02-6435170, Fax.02-6435169, E-mail:


แท็ก Global Economy   thailand   Bangkok   nation   Prince   China  

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