Opening Remarks by H.E. Mr. Kasit Piromya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand

World News Tuesday February 9, 2010 07:27 —Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Opening Remarks by H.E. Mr. Kasit Piromya Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand At the Awards Presentation and Opening Ceremony of the “Yes, We Believe in the Interfaith Dialogue” Asia-Europe Meeting Interfaith Cultural Photography Contest On Friday, 5 February 2010, at 18.00-20.00 hrs. Bangkok Arts and Culture Centre, Bangkok.

คุณทยา ทีปสุวรรณ, Deputy Governor of BMA ศาตราจารย์ ดร. อิมรอน มะลูลีม Chairman of Ulama of Sheikhul Islam คุณฉัตรวิชัย พรหมทัตตเวที Acting Director, Bangkok Arts and Culture Centre, Winners of the Photography Contest, Distinguished Guests, Friends, Colleagues, All of us Who Believe in the Interfaith Dialogue,

It gives me great pleasure to be here among all of you on this special occasion when we, people from various backgrounds, countries, religions, faiths, and culture meet to celebrate our diversity. I am pleased to see many familiar faces around the room and wish to extend a warm welcome to the Ambassadors and revered leaders of faiths, and in particular - a very warm welcome to the winners of the ASEM Interfaith Cultural Photography Contest who have traveled from abroad. I am also happy to see those who can move forward the IFD present here with us.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the Declaration of the Religions for a Global Ethic, Hans Kung wrote that humanity today possesses sufficient economic, cultural and spiritual resources to introduce a better global order. Despite the truth that rings in these words, a culture of excessiveness, selfishness, and greed has bred in this world where virtues of tolerance and moderation are being overlooked or ignored.

We must therefore work together to overcome the shortfalls of mankind. We need to support a culture of tolerance and acceptance of differences. Arts can be defined as a tool to bridge understanding and lessen the prejudices. So this photography contest is relevant and timely.

The photographs are not only beautiful. They have artistic value. But what is more is the message contained therein. Each photograph tells us something about cultural perspectives and religious beliefs. It reflects appreciation of life and the notion of living together.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On a regional level, ASEAN has been promoting connectivity in the hearts and minds of ASEAN citizens by creating a more people-centred ASEAN, building awareness about ASEAN among ASEAN’s citizens and encouraging increased participation from the ASEAN civil society for creation of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Communities by 2015. The ASEAN community, diverse and harmonious, promises to touch the lives of our citizens in every way.

We are also actively involved in IFD within the UN framework as well as other interregional frameworks. On 5-7 April 2009 Thailand sent a delegation to the 2nd Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations Meeting in Istanbul. Apart from this, Thailand is also involved in the Asia Pacific Interfaith Dialogue Meeting, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and the ASEAN-Canada Dialogue on Interfaith Initiatives.

In the Asia-Europe framework of cooperation, the ASEM IFD has now entered its 6th year. Clearly, the friendship of Asia and Europe places strong significance on the interfaith dialogue because we know that our colourful diversity needs to be celebrated with harmony and tolerance.

Within the ASEM IFD, Thailand has co-sponsored every ASEM IFD meeting — from Bali in 2005 to Seoul 2009. Together with the Netherlands, Thailand co-hosted the ASEM IFD4 during 3-5 June 2008 in Amsterdam. Additionally, Thailand hosted a successful ASEM Interfaith Cultural Youth Camp during 6-12 February 2009.

The ASEM Interfaith Cultural Photography Contest under the theme “Yes, We Believe in the Interfaith Dialogue” is part of Thailand’s continued efforts to promote IFD by encouraging a wide range of participants from all 45 ASEM partners to convey their impressions and understanding of the IFD through photographs.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before I present the prizes to the winners, allow me to express my appreciation to Bangkok Metropolitan Administration for their support in making this project possible. I wish to extend my special thanks to คุณฉัตรวิชัย พรหมทัตตเวที Acting Director of the Bangkok Arts and Culture Centre (BACC), for sharing our goal to promote IFD to the wider public. The BACC should also be commended for its efforts in welcoming Bangkok’s arts enthusiasts to this beautiful building which was graciously inaugurated by Her Majesty the Queen. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also appreciative for allowing the space and time of 2 weeks for the photographs from the ASEM Interfaith Cultural Photography Contest to be displayed to all the visitors.

Confucius once said, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” ขงจื๊อได้กล่าวไว้ว่า การเดินทางหมื่นลี้ต้องเริ่มที่ก้าวแรก. Let this Photography Exhibition be one of the many steps we all take in a journey towards sustained IFD and an increasingly harmonious world ขอให้นิทรรศการนี้ เป็นก้าวแรกสำหรับโลกที่สันติสุข และความสามัคคี เข้าใจกันระหว่างศรัทธาและความเชื่อต่างๆ ของโลก On that note, may I declare the Exhibition officially open.

Thank you.

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เว็บไซต์นี้มีการใช้งานคุกกี้ ศึกษารายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว และ ข้อตกลงการใช้บริการ รับทราบ