The Ninth Plan Development Vision Framework

Economy News Friday November 3, 2000 14:18 —National Economic and Social Development Board

          The office of the NESDB'S main function is to formulate the National Economic and Social Development plan to be the guideline for National Development.  The Eighth National Economic and Social Development Plan (1997-2001) will be enforced until and of FY 2001.  The Ninth Plan formulation process was initiated at the end of 1999. The Ninth Plan will be consistent with the Eighth Plan and the 1997 constitution which is focused on the public participation in every sector of society regarding national development planning.
The Ninth Plan development vision framework (2002-2006) was approved by the cabinet on August 1, 2000, which can be summarized as follows:
In formulating the "core vision", the changing intermational and local situations and trend will be considered together with the brainstorming gained from the people nationwide. These will be synthesized and summarized th become the core vision for designating strategies and details of the Ninth Plan.
The Ninth Plan will be emphasized on "sufficiency economy" as the main philosophy for "sustainable development and well-being of the Thai people". It will be focused on development integration with people as the centre for development and the balanced development in economic, social, politice and environment aspects. Furthermore, the Thai people must be aware of the necessity of changing concept idea, attitude and working process as to be in line with the changing administration system aiming at efficiency, quality and modernization. They should be able to efficiently utilize knowledge and technology, able to protect themselves, be moral and honest as well as flexible to adapt to the changes.
The future Thai society
The vision of future Thai society should be based on Thai culture ans conservation of Thai identity to promote change and desirable values of the Thai society in three areas; namely:
1. "Quality Society": based on balance and selfsufficiency. The People should be good and effcient with self-reliance and morality.
2. "Wisdom society": The people should have live long commitment to the learning processes and be ready for change.
3. "Harmonious society" will be created through the promotion of national culture identity, generosity and helpfulness, especially to underprivileged group of society and strengthening self-reliance community for well- being of the Thai society.
Development Direction
Main purpose
Instead of focusing only on economic prosperity, The Ninth Plan redirected to stregthening strong social foundation and prosperity decentralization as ewll as poverty alleviation and income generation. In addition, it would include enchancing capability and opportunity for self-reliance as well as upgrading income and quality of life for the majority of the people. These approaches will promote people to be the centre for development.
Development strategies
The development strategies are divided into three inter-related approaches. Firstly, the enhancement of the capability for the grass roots level should be strengthened and be ready to face the globalized world. This approach will focus on human, community and societal development. Secondly, the economy should be readjusted to suit the current world situation and the new economy. Thirdly, the governance for management system should be improved in every part of the society through prioritizing the strategies and development gukdelines associated with poverty alleviation adn enhancing more efficiency of management system gained from brainstorming of every group of the society. In so doing, the existing capital will be fully utilized in line with the limited resources. The development sttrategies may be summarized ad follows.
Strategy 1: Human development and social protection
This strategy aims at developing the life-long learning process through education reform and skills development. The quality of the Thai people should be consistent with the changing situation and new technology associated with dharma principle and be able to take a leading role in every level. The duty and responsibility as well as social immuniy system regarding health, welfare, labor and safety in life and property should be developed efficiently in every society to promote good qualityof life throughout the life-long period. The poor and the underprivileged should also be protected. In this regard, investment in human resource development and the improvement of social protection management should be streamlined. Wastes and redundancies must be minimized as well as promoting all the parties' participation as much as possible.
Strategy2: Restructured rural development and sustainable urbanization
The area management should be focused on the connection between rural and urban development so as to reduce gape between rural and urban areas. In this regard, it should be done through developing the potential of human resource, strengthening the community and promoting the participation of the people in the society in terms of sustainable development integration. To achieve the desired outcome, social and economic costs, together with culture and natural resources should play the efficient and equitable roles to deal with the poverty and the underprivileged as well as development of human resource potential for community strength. Therefore the implementation should emphasize participation of the people from all walks of life and efficient resource utilization in the frame of participatory approach.
Strategy 3: Management of natural resources and environment
This strategy aims at managing environment and natural resources rehabilitation. This will make emphasis on enhancing the efficient management and public participation along with sharing costs and building appropriate rules and regulations which facilitate the balanced ecology system and the whole society.
Strategy 4: Macro-economic management
This approach focuses on macro-economic management in terms of monetary policy, capital market and public finance ploicy. This guideline will create the stability and security for economic system under the liberalized trade, finance and investment. In addition, it will help promote the production sector in the particular fields having the competitiveness and benefits for the business at all levels, and focus on the distribution and upgrading of income and quality of life of people in the country..
Strategy 5: International competitiveness
The production structure should be made to increase the competitiveness of the country through utilizing modern knowledge and technology to increase productivity, improving labor skills and creating links among the activities in agriculture, industry and service sector. International cooperation and infrastructure development should support to ceate employment and improve quality of life and imcome of the people. Meanwhile, the public sector should apy attention to the efficient management and rules and regulations facilitating the working of the private sector. The capital mobility should be made from every sector of society to contribute to the restructuring of production sector and the improvement of infrastructure.
Strategy 6: Strengthening science and technological base
Science and technology should be strengthened and modernized. Degree of dependence dhould be reduced. Access to appropriate technology should be more equitable. This will enhance the competitiveness in future through developing body of knowledge to be associated with the local wisdom in the context to be associated with the local wisdom in the context of Thai culture and folkways. MOreover, the basic concept of science, investment, human resources dovelopment, innovation, as well as policy design and research management should be given more.
Strategy 7: Development management for good governance
This is a key strategy with particular emphasis on transparency and public participation. This approach will help prevent the corruption and determine the direction of development for the poor and the underprivileged. However, the good governance approach and the public participation will make collaborative efforts for changes.
Management of change process and operationalization and implementation of the Ninth plan
To translate the Ninth plan into action effectively, the concept of ideas, value, purpose and procedures should be re-adjusted. In this regard, it should focus on management of change os as to create leadership at all levels and mobilize the social capital in every aspect.
1. Develop mechanism to manage change process to support the implementation of the plan. The people in every sector of society should realize and understand the mission, purposes and strategies in participating in the process of translation of the Plan into action. The body of knowledge related to management of change should be buklt and incorporated into the curriculum and training course of public and private training insutitutions. Furthermore, the development of staff and the support of budget should also be made.
2. Synchronization of planning and budgeting in line with needs of local level. The public administration and budget system should be met with the need of local community. At the same time, the central agency should play more roles in integrating workplan, financial plan and human resources management together as well as determining coordinating mechanism at all levela : sectoral, area and community levels.
3. To set framework for translation of the Plan into action. This mearure focuses on re-orienting the concept ideas, value and analytical perspective. In this context, the translation of the Plan into action should rely on the following criteria.
3.1 To aim at tackling the poverty, the underprivileged, the fair distribution of income and teh well-being of the people.
3.2 To aim at tackling the poverty, the underprivileged, the fair distribution of income and the well-being of the people.
3.3 To promote the balanced and sustainable development on the basis of self-reliance with regard to production process, resource utilization and environmental impact.
3.4 To delegate roles, mission and cooperation which may contribute to the effcient resource utilization among public, private and people sectors.
3.5 To focus on the effective and efficient workplan and procedures with regard to the economical and maximum resource utilization.
3.6 To meet with the development strategies of the Ninth Plan and be amenable to systematic evaluation.
4. To develop monitoring and evaluation system. This guideline will rely on key indicators as a management tool in development projects as well as moni toring and evaluation.
5. To modernize economic snd social information system. This guideline could support the efficient administration and provide access to data to the public widely.
Development News Bulletin, National Economic and Social Development Board, Volume 15, No. 8 : August 2000 End.

แท็ก Sufficiency Economy   the nation   central   access   AFET   ATIC  

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