1999 2000 1999 2000 2001
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
GDP Nominal Prices (Billions Baht) 4,615 4,901 1,162 1,096 1,144 1,213 1,219 1,189 1,211 1,282 1,270
GDP 1988 Prices (Billions Baht) 2,859 2,985 719 678 709 753 757 722 729 777 770
Growth Rate of Real GDP 4.2 4.4 0.1 2.7 7.8 6.5 5.3 6.4 2.9 3.2 1.8
(year on year basis)
GNP Nominal Prices (Billions Baht) 4,488 4,844 1,115 1,063 1,115 1,195 1,204 1,170 1,197 1,273 1,267
GNP 1988 1988 Prices (Billions Baht) 2,803 2,977 696 664 696 747 755 716 728 778 775
Growth Rate of Real GNP 4.9 6.2 -1.0 4.1 9.0 7.9 8.5 7.8 4.6 4.1 2.6
(year on year basis)
--National Economic and Social Development Board--
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
GDP Nominal Prices (Billions Baht) 4,615 4,901 1,162 1,096 1,144 1,213 1,219 1,189 1,211 1,282 1,270
GDP 1988 Prices (Billions Baht) 2,859 2,985 719 678 709 753 757 722 729 777 770
Growth Rate of Real GDP 4.2 4.4 0.1 2.7 7.8 6.5 5.3 6.4 2.9 3.2 1.8
(year on year basis)
GNP Nominal Prices (Billions Baht) 4,488 4,844 1,115 1,063 1,115 1,195 1,204 1,170 1,197 1,273 1,267
GNP 1988 1988 Prices (Billions Baht) 2,803 2,977 696 664 696 747 755 716 728 778 775
Growth Rate of Real GNP 4.9 6.2 -1.0 4.1 9.0 7.9 8.5 7.8 4.6 4.1 2.6
(year on year basis)
--National Economic and Social Development Board--