The representatives from public and private sectors, non-governmental organizations and farmers participated in formulating guidelines for sustainable agricultural development. The guidelines are mainly based on the development goals by focusing on farmers as the center of development with public sector as a facilitator. Concerning agencies' action plans will be clearly formulated and the competitiveness and survival of sustainable agricultural development would be fostered.
On September 3, 2001, the Office of NESDB organized a Workshop of "Guidelines for collaboration between public and private sectors in sustainable agricultural development", at Siam City Hotel. The workshop was aimed at brainstorming opinions from those involved in formulating guidelines and collaborating between public and private sectors as well as the creation of an organization and a cooperative mechanism to have concrete sustainable agricultural development. The participants are representatives from government agencies, private sector, non-governmental organizations and farmers.
The Workshop was officially lunched by Ms.Wilaiporn Liwkasemsan, Senior Advisor in Plan and Policy of NESDB, who addressed in the opening session that the development of sustainable agriculture during sustainable agricultural development not less than 25 million rais or 20 percent of agricultural areas.
In the past, the implementation had slightly succeeded as seen from the expansion of areas that applied the sustainable agricultural development approach was only 11 percent of the target. Moreover, the extension of sustainable agricultural development was in the beginning stage meanwhile government officers and farmers lacked knowledge in the development process that based on participation and learning network in continuously working together.
The Chairman of the workshop further said that sustainable agricultural development is important especially in the Ninth National Economic and Social Development Plan (2002-2006). It has been set as one of the guidelines for adjusting the agricultural production structure by strengthening farmers themselves and farmer institutions to be self-reliant and to increase income, employments and quality of life that partly leads to the creation of balance of production and environmental and natural resources conservation.
The participants were generally agreed that the sustainable agriculture is important for national development. The assessment in the past that applied quantitative approach by using target areas as the criteria was not efficient enough to measure the quality of development enough to measure the quality of development and could not indicate the level of knowledge and understanding of farmers as well as the capability in achieving sustainable agricultural development. Furthermore, various patterns of sustainable agricultural development including integrated farming, natural agriculture, agro-forestry, organic agriculture and new theory agriculture might not appropriate enough to formulate the development framework. Therefore, the main criteria should be goals of development.
For future implementation, it is necessary to create profound knowledge, understanding and awareness for farmers and government officers about the actual concept of sustainable agricultural development. In this regard, they need to adjust the paradigm and roles by having farmer as the main target of development and the public sector as a facilitator.
The linkage of the sustainable agricultural development with the strategies in the Ninth Plan, which adopted the philosophy of sufficiency economy as the guiding principle, is necessary to formulate a major plan and action plans among concerning agencies in order to foster the precise and efficient implementation.
Furthermore, tit is essential to enhance the competitiveness or survival of sustainable agricultural development. It should be addressed the quality of products especially those related to health. These products need the campaign and the creation of understanding among those involved so as to expand the market and stabilise the price for the farmers.
--National Economic and Social Development Board--
On September 3, 2001, the Office of NESDB organized a Workshop of "Guidelines for collaboration between public and private sectors in sustainable agricultural development", at Siam City Hotel. The workshop was aimed at brainstorming opinions from those involved in formulating guidelines and collaborating between public and private sectors as well as the creation of an organization and a cooperative mechanism to have concrete sustainable agricultural development. The participants are representatives from government agencies, private sector, non-governmental organizations and farmers.
The Workshop was officially lunched by Ms.Wilaiporn Liwkasemsan, Senior Advisor in Plan and Policy of NESDB, who addressed in the opening session that the development of sustainable agriculture during sustainable agricultural development not less than 25 million rais or 20 percent of agricultural areas.
In the past, the implementation had slightly succeeded as seen from the expansion of areas that applied the sustainable agricultural development approach was only 11 percent of the target. Moreover, the extension of sustainable agricultural development was in the beginning stage meanwhile government officers and farmers lacked knowledge in the development process that based on participation and learning network in continuously working together.
The Chairman of the workshop further said that sustainable agricultural development is important especially in the Ninth National Economic and Social Development Plan (2002-2006). It has been set as one of the guidelines for adjusting the agricultural production structure by strengthening farmers themselves and farmer institutions to be self-reliant and to increase income, employments and quality of life that partly leads to the creation of balance of production and environmental and natural resources conservation.
The participants were generally agreed that the sustainable agriculture is important for national development. The assessment in the past that applied quantitative approach by using target areas as the criteria was not efficient enough to measure the quality of development enough to measure the quality of development and could not indicate the level of knowledge and understanding of farmers as well as the capability in achieving sustainable agricultural development. Furthermore, various patterns of sustainable agricultural development including integrated farming, natural agriculture, agro-forestry, organic agriculture and new theory agriculture might not appropriate enough to formulate the development framework. Therefore, the main criteria should be goals of development.
For future implementation, it is necessary to create profound knowledge, understanding and awareness for farmers and government officers about the actual concept of sustainable agricultural development. In this regard, they need to adjust the paradigm and roles by having farmer as the main target of development and the public sector as a facilitator.
The linkage of the sustainable agricultural development with the strategies in the Ninth Plan, which adopted the philosophy of sufficiency economy as the guiding principle, is necessary to formulate a major plan and action plans among concerning agencies in order to foster the precise and efficient implementation.
Furthermore, tit is essential to enhance the competitiveness or survival of sustainable agricultural development. It should be addressed the quality of products especially those related to health. These products need the campaign and the creation of understanding among those involved so as to expand the market and stabilise the price for the farmers.
--National Economic and Social Development Board--