Bangkok--July 14--TAT
The Amazing Thailand 1998-1999 campaign, designed to attract new and repeat
visitors to the Kingdom, is to be promoted through the issuance of
international phonecards. The project, one of several promotional activities
being planned by the Tourism Authority of Thailand(TAT), is jointly undertaken
by the Thai Chamber of Commerce (Thaicham) in the U.S. the Telemed Corporation
and TAT.
The above was announced at a press conference held on July 11 at the office
of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) in Ratchadamnoen Nok Avenue. Chairing
the conference was Mr. Pradech Phayakavichien, Deputy Governor for Planning
and Development of TAT. Also present was Mr. Somsak Pitakmongkonkul,
President of the Thai Chamber of Commerce in the U.S.
According to Mr. Pradech Phayakavichien, who also acts as the Amazing Thailand
Project Manager, TAT is providing support to the Thai Chambor of Commerce and
Telemed Corporation to produce international phonecards to promote various
projects and activities involving the Amazing Thailand 1998-1999 campaign among
Thai expats overseas and foreign visitors to generate more interest in visiting
or re-visiting Thailand. During the two-year period of 1998-1999, Thailand
will be offering both new and superior excitement and delight to its guest.
The TAT Deputy Governor added that the TAT office in New York has also
arranged a press conference in cooperation with the Thai Chamber of Commerce
in the U.S. to announce developments on public relations activities concerning
the Amazing Thailand campaign. These include Thai food promotion in Thai
restaurants in states from Massachusetts down to Florida, display of posters
promoting Thai food exhibitions, and distributing of promotional materials
on Amazing Thailand. A major attraction of the activities is the special
price given to lucky customers of Thai restaurants every3-4 months in the
form of complimentary international air tickets and accommodations to Thailand.
The planned international phonecards, according to Mr. Somsak Pitakmongkolkul,
President of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, U.S., will feature threes major
themes: cultures, mountains and beaches. Reproductions of the sights and
scenes to appear on the cards will emphasize on the culture legacy and
traditions, culinary delights and attractions of the country, all in
esthetical and colorful design befitting the grandeur of Amazing Thailand.
The card itself can be used in more than one hundred countries to call over
200 destinations world-wide.
The Amazing Thailand phonecard project will be officially launched on July
16-18 during the Made in Thailand Solo Show to be held at World Trade Center
in New York City. The show is jointly organized by the Department of Export
Promotion, Ministry of Commerce through its Commercial Center, Tourism
Authority of Thailand in New York and the Thai Chamber of Commerce.
The TAT Deputy Governor said it was gratifying that the promotion and publicity
if the Amazing Thailand 1998-1999 campaign has progressed satisfactorily
and enjoyed the enthusiastic support of agencies concerned. The international
phonecard project itself, he added,has great potentiality in helping foreigners
to learn of what to expect in Thailand duriing 1998-1998 and that the card
itself could become a collector item. Other promotional activities would
induce potential visitors worldwide to visit or re-visit the country again.
For Thailand in 1998-1999 will indeed be an amazing destination, unique and
unforgettable. End.