Banpu to offer debentures to general investors for subscription on 30 July and 2 - 3 August, at indicative interest rates of 2.90-3.80% per annum with maturities of 5, 7, and 10 years
Banpu Public Company Limited or Banpu, a leading international versatile energy provider, is ready to offer three tranches of debentures to general investors on 30 July and 2 - 3 August 2021 through four leading financial institutions. The indicative interest rates are 2.90%, 3.30%, and 3.80% for the 5-year Debenture, the 7-year Debenture, and the 10-year Debenture, respectively. Underwriters said that investors are confident in Banpu's growth potentials in integrated energy businesses, which are moving forward to deliver Smarter Energy for Sustainability under the Greener & Smarter strategy. Besides, Banpu's debentures were assigned an A+ credit rating.
Mrs. Somruedee Chaimongkol, Chief Executive Officer of Banpu Public Company Limited, revealed that Banpu is preparing to offer unsubordinated and unsecured debentures with a debenture holders' representative in the name-registered certificate to general investors on 30 July and 2-3 August 2021. The debentures will be offered through four underwriters: Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited, Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited, CIMB Bank (Thailand) Public Company Limited, and Kiatnakin Phatra Securities Public Company Limited via regular branches and online systems or mobile applications. The three tranches of debentures offered are the 5-year Debenture with an indicative interest rate of 2.90% per annum, the 7-year Debenture with an indicative interest rate of 3.30% per annum, and the 10-year Debenture with an indicative interest rate of 3.80% per annum. The interest will be paid every six months. TRIS Rating assigned the ratings of Banpu and our debentures at "A+" with "Stable" outlook on 9 June 2021.
"Banpu and our underwriters are confident that the offering of these debentures would attract investors who trust in our business potential and plan to invest in assets that yield a high return at acceptable time and risk. Moreover, the A+ credit rating is a major factor boosting investor confidence in the Company's overall strength and capacity to maintained strong financial discipline and effectively cash management. Another factor that appeals to investors is the fact that Banpu operates an integrated energy business across Asia-Pacific. We are also committed to expanding our business to serve future energy trends, especially eco-friendly energy. Our business model helps reinforce investor confidence, making Banpu's debentures an even more attractive option."
Banpu's CEOadded, "Despite the challenges facing our business in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Banpu is able to generate cash flow by implementing cost-cutting measures and carefully managing investment budgets to mitigate the impact of global economic recession and accelerate Banpu Transformation into the Never Normal era to pursue the Greener & Smarter strategy. This is to support our mission to deliver Smarter Energy for Sustainability through the deployment of digital technologies to drive operational efficiency in tandem with the expansion of a green energy portfolio. With our robust business ecosystem benefiting all businesses, we are ready for any changes and new business opportunities to achieve stable growth."
As a leading international versatile energy provider, Banpu currently operates assets in 10 countries:: Thailand, Indonesia, China, Australia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Singapore, Japan, the United States of America, and Vietnam. Banpu's growth is built on three core groups of businesses. Energy Resources comprises coal and gas, including related operations such as marketing, trading, logistics, fuel procurement, and transmission. Energy Generation includes thermal and renewable power plants. Energy Technology consists of solar rooftop and solar floating power generation, energy storage systems, electric vehicles, and smart city solutions development. This business group is accelerating exponential growth in solutions development and service expansion to satisfy customer needs in the New Normal era. Following its 5-year business plan for 2021-2025, Banpu is ready to mobilize its businesses and pursue its Greener & Smarter strategy.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have added more subscription channels for Banpu's debentures for the convenience of investors. General investors who are ordinary persons can subscribe for all three tranches online, via mobile applications, or phone service. There is no need to visit the underwriters' branches or sales offices. Starting today, interested investors can contact any of the four underwriters for more information. Please visit https://market.sec.or.th/public/ipos/IPOSDE01.aspx?TransID=344146 for further details, or contact the following debenture underwriters:
- Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited, except micro branches, Tel. 1333
- Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited, Tel. 02-111-1111
- CIMB (Thailand) Bank Public Company Limited, Tel. 02-626-7777
- Kiatnakin Phatra Securities Public Company Limited (including Kiatnakin Phatra Bank Public Company Limited as an underwriter), Tel. 02-165-5555