KBank Private Banking recommends increasing investment portfolio despite volatile market. Highlighting K-ALLROAD Series, innovative fund with automatic portfolio adjustment, to yield sustainable returns and control losses in all market situations
KBank Private Banking sees a positive outlook in the investment sector, following continuous market recovery since the last quarter of the previous year. This, in turn, led to demand for risky assets investment while the volatility, especially tension of geopolitics, remains high. Investors are recommended to increase their portfolio with three mixed funds under K-ALLROAD Series, an innovative fund with diversified investment in various assets and an automatic risk-based asset adjustment, to yield sustainable returns and control losses throughout all economic situations.
Mr. Jirawat Supornpaibul, Executive Chairman, Private Banking Group, KASIKORNBANK, said, "The overall investment outlook in early 2023 continues to see positivity, as can be seen from the MSCI World Index YTD Returns as of February 28, 2023, at 4.16%. However, there are still risk factors to keep an eye on. According to Lombard Odier, the market volatility is still capped at as high as 78%, indicating the risky and unstable recovery of the asset price. Nonetheless, the risk appetite still shows improvement at 83%, which is considered a risk-on, as compared to the 2022 year-end with a risk-off at 36%."
To strengthen investment portfolios amid volatility, especially with geopolitical risks such as Russia-Ukraine war and US-China conflict, KBank Private Banking still recommends the high-net-worth clients to allocate 50-60% of core investment portfolio in various assets worldwide, particularly through the Risk-Based Asset Allocation strategy, to yield returns in all economic situations. Also, to stay invested in all market situations through the K-ALLROAD Series that come with innovative mechanism that automatically balances investment proportions in different economic situations. For instance, increasing the leverage to yield returns during the normal market period, and holding more cashes to prevent and control damages in time of economic crisis.
K-ALLROAD Series comprises three funds that differ in their risk appetite: K-ALLROAD-UI, K-ALLGROWTH-UI, and K-ALLENHANCE-UI. The 10-year performance since the fund launch under the main LO FUNDS - ALL ROADS Series overseas could yield consistent returns and show volatility control with a positive return (minimum of three-year investment).
"KBank Private Banking has been recommending K-ALLROAD Series to high-net-worth clients since the end of 2021. Due to the overall improving economic situation throughout the first quarter of 2023, we also organized marketing activities with clients from the four regions nationwide to point out investment opportunities and recommend increasing investment proportion through K-ALL ROAD Series, during which we continue to receive positive feedback from our clients. Currently, all three funds in this series yield more than 6.3 billion baht**," concluded Mr. Jirawat.
For more information, please visit KBank Private Banking website at https://kbank.co/3ETkS5v
* K-ALLROAD Series - a mutual fund for institutional and high-net-worth investors only
** Information as of February 28, 2023