Mr. Shih, Jiing-Fuh, Chief Executive Officer and President ofLand and Houses Bank Public Company Limited, revealedthat current statistics in Thailand show that the highest mortalityrates among Thais are due to six critical illnesses, such ascancer and tumors, diabetes, ischemic heart disease,hypertension, stroke, and kidney disease. Most of thesediseases are driven by lifestyle and dietary behaviors. Therefore,the bank is committed to offering a variety of products andservices designed to meet the needs of customers across alllifestyles, under the vision of delivering superior financialexperiences to all customer groups.Recently, the bank launched a savings account that providesmore than just interest, offering comprehensive health protectioncovering up to 30 critical illnesses. This comprehensive coverageaddresses both saving money and health care, including medicalexpenses, giving customers peace of mind if diagnosed with acritical illness. This account, named "LHB Health CareSavings," provides "Found, Paid, Done" coverage, meaningcustomers are covered for up to 30 common and expensivecritical illnesses with a maximum coverage limit of 1 millionBaht, with no insurance premiums. Additionally, customersearn monthly interest at a rate of 0.75% per year and enjoyconvenient deposit, withdrawal, transfer, and paymentservices. The more you deposit, the greater the protectionyou receive.
Individual customers aged 18-65 interested in savings withhealth insurance coverage can now open an account with aminimum deposit of 100,000 Baht, with no maximum limit,although the maximum coverage is capped at 1 million Baht.The insurance is provided by Muang Thai Life Assurance PublicCompany Limited. This product meets the needs of all customergroups by enabling them to plan for future health-relatedexpenses.Mr. Sara Lamsam, Chief Executive Officer of Muang ThaiLife Assurance Public Company Limited, expressed greatsatisfaction in elevating the business partnership with Land andHouses Bank through the launch of the "LHB Health CareSavings" account. This product addresses wealth creationthrough savings, offers peace of mind with death coverage, andprovides extensive health protection for 30 critical illnesses. Thishelps create peace of mind for customers, as in the event of anunexpected incident, they can receive a lump sum for healthcare without affecting their savings. The coverage includesinvasive cancer, acute heart attack, chronic kidney failure,fulminant viral hepatitis, major stroke, Alzheimer's disease,bacterial meningitis, and severe chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease or end-stage lung disease, etc.Additionally, customers of the "LHB Health Care Savings"account can access innovative services from Muang Thai LifeAssurance, such as the MTL Click Application, whichconsolidates all services for easy access, including policy checksfor benefits and coverage, and the MTL Health Buddy, acomprehensive health assistant service. Customers can consultwith specialists, find appropriate doctors, scheduleappointments, and receive treatment through a nationwidenetwork of participating hospitals by calling 0 2290 2424 ext. 3.The MTL Fit Application helps customers better understand theirhealth through fitness tracking.
This collaboration marks another significant step in the missionto democratize insurance, making life insurance accessible toeveryone by designing and developing products and servicesthat truly meet diverse needs. The goal is to provide everyonewith stable insurance and a sustainable quality of life, creatinghappiness and smiles for all involved parties.Interested individuals can open an "LHB Health Care Savings"account at any LH Bank branch nationwide. For more details,visit www.lhbank.co.th or call 1327.
- Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited, as a lifeinsurance broker, only presents life insurance products andfacilitates premium payments. Muang Thai Life Assurance PublicCompany Limited is responsible for coverage terms and benefitsas specified in the insurance policy.
- Conditions are as specified by Muang Thai Life AssurancePublic Company Limited.
- Underwriting is subject to the Company's rules.- MTL Health Buddy service by Muang Thai Life Assurance is anadvisory service for customers only/ for medical treatment fornon-emergency or non-urgent injuries or illnesses only. The conditions are as specified by Muang Thai Life Assurance PublicCompany Limited and participating hospitals.
- Coverage period under the group term life insurance policy andgroup CI rider in this campaign is as per the terms set by Landand Houses Bank Public Company Limited.
Warning: Buyers should understand the coverage detailsand conditions before deciding to purchase insurance.