7 day Weather Forecast
Weather Forecast
Weekly Forecast for 24 February ? 2 March 2025
During 24 ? 25 Feb, the moderate to rather strong high-pressure system from China extends to the Northeast and the South China Sea leading to the southerly and southeasterly winds bring the moisture from the South China Sea and the Gulf to the upper country. Meanwhile, the westerly trough from Myanmar moves pass the North, the upper Northeast and upper Laos. Thunderstorms, gusty wind and hail including lightning strike are likely in some areas of the upper country for the first period after that temperature will decrease by 2 ? 4 C in the Northeast while a decrease in temperature by 1 ? 3 C is forecast in the lower North, the Central including Bangkok Metropolitan Region and the East regions. The strengthening northeast monsoon and the easterly wind prevailsg over the Gulf, the South and the Andaman Sea with more rains and isolated heavy to very heavy rains in the South. The strengthening wind force the wave in the lower Gulf up to 2 ? 3 meters high and above 3 meters high in thundershowers while the waves are likely about 2 meters high in the upper Gulf and above 2 meters high in thundershowers. In the Andaman Sea, the waves are likely 1 - 2 meters high, about 2 meters offshore and above 2 meters high in thundershowers. During 26 ? 28 Feb, the moderate high-pressure system from China prvailing to the Northeast and the South China Sea will weakening while the southerly and southeasterly winds bring the moisture from the South China Sea and the Gulf to the upper country. An increase in temperature and day hot including isolated thundershowers are likely in the upper country. The weak easterly wind prevails over the Gulf, the South and the Andaman Sea with isolated thundershowers in the South. The moderate wind and waves in the lower Gulf are likely 1 - 2 meters high, about 1 meter high in the upper Gulf and the Andaman Sea and above 2 meter high in thundershowers.
People in Thailand should keep healthy due to changeable weather and farmers should prevent for crops damage and animals danger throughout the period. During 24 ? 25 Feb, people in upper Thailand should beware of severe conditions by keeping off outdoor places, big trees and unsecured billboards. People in the South beware of heavy to very heavy rains and accumulations. All ships in the Gulf and Andaman Sea should proceed with caution and keep off thundershowers area. Small boats in the lower Gulf keep ashore
Announcement Date 24 February 2025 05:00 AM
Regional Weather Forecast
Weekly Forecast for 24 Feb ? 2 Mar 2025
During 24 ? 25 Feb, morning cool . Scattered thunderstorms with gust and hail for the first period then 1 ? 3 C drop in temperature. Minimum temperature 18 ? 22 C. Maximum temperature 27 ? 32 C. Cold to very cold on mountaintops: Minimum temperature 6 - 15 C. Southeasterly winds 10 ? 30 km/hr. During 26 Feb ? 2 Mar, morning cool with day hot. Isolated thundershowers with gust mostly in the lower and eastern part. Minimum temperature 17 ? 24 C. Maximum temperature 33 ? 38 C. Cool to cold on mountaintops: Minimum temperature 8 - 16 C. Southeasterly winds 5 ? 15 km/hr.
During 24 ? 25 Feb, Cool and strong wind. Isolated to scattered thunderstorms with gust and hail for the first period, then 2 ? 4 C drop in temperature Minimum temperature 16 ? 22 C. Maximum temperature 26 ? 31 C. Cool to cold on mountaintops: Minimum temperature 11 - 16 C. Northeasterly winds 15 ? 35 km/hr. During 26 Feb ? 2 Mar, morning cool with day hot. Isolated thundershowers mostly in the lower and western part. Minimum temperature 18 ? 24 C. Maximum temperature 32 ? 37 C. Cool to cold on mountaintops: Minimum temperature 14 - 18 C. Easterly winds 10 ? 15 km/hr.
During 24 - 25 Feb, isolated to scattered thundershowers with gust and hail for the first period, then 1 ? 2 C drop in temperature. Minimum temperature 20 ? 25 C. Maximum temperature 30 ? 34 C. Easterly winds 10 ? 30 km/hr. During 26 Feb ? 2 Mar, day hot and isolated thundershowers with gust. Minimum temperature 23 ? 26 C. Maximum temperature 34 ? 37 C. Southeasterly winds 10 ? 15 km/hr. During 1 - 2 Mar, partly cloudy and hot during the day. Minimum temperature 25 ? 27 C. Maximum temperature 36 ? 38 C. Southeasterly winds 5 ? 15 km/hr.
During 24 - 25 Feb, scattered thundershowers with gust for the first period, then 1 ? 2 C drop in temperature. Minimum temperature 21 ? 25 C. Maximum temperature 30 ? 34 C. Easterly winds 15 - 35 km./hr. Wave height about 1 meter, 1 - 2 meters offshore and above 2 meters in thundershowers. During 26 Feb ? 2 Mar, day hot and isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 25 ? 28 C. Maximum temperature 36 ? 38 C. Southeasterly winds 10 - 30 km./hr. Wave below 1 meter, about 1 meter offshore and above 2 meters high in thundershowers.
Southern (East Coast)
During 24 - 26 Feb, scattered to fairly widespread thundershowers and isolated heavy to very heavy rains. Minimum temperature 21 ? 25 C. Maximum temperature 28 ? 31 C. Surat thani upward: easterly winds 20 ? 35 km/hr. Wave height about 2 meters and above 2 meters in thundershowers. Nakhon Si Thammarat downward: easterly winds 20 ? 40 km/hr. Wave height about 2 - 3 meters and above 3 meters in thundershowers. During 27 Feb ? 2 Mar, isolated to scattered thundershowers. Minimum temperature 21 ? 26 C. Maximum temperature 31 ? 35 C. Surat Thani upward: easterly winds 15 ? 30 km/hr. Wave height about 1 meter and above 2 meters in thundershowers. Nakhon Si Thammarat downward: southeasterly winds 15 ? 35 km/hr. Wave height 1 - 2 meters and above 2 meters in thundershowers.
Southern (West Coast)
During 24 - 26 Feb, scattered to fairly widespread thundershowers and isolated heavy rains. Minimum temperature 22 ? 25 C. Maximum temperature 30 ? 33 C. Easterly winds 15 - 35 km./hr. Wave height 1 - 2 meters, about 2 meters offshore and above 2 meters in thundershowers. During 27 Feb ? 2 Mar, isolated thundershower. Minimum temperature 23 ? 26 C. Maximum temperature 33 ? 36 C. Easterly winds 15 - 30 km./hr. Wave height about 1 meter, above 1 meters offshore and above 2 meters in thundershowers.
Bangkok Metropolitan
During 24 - 25 Feb, Isolated to scattered thundershowers with gust for the first period, then 1 ? 2 C drop in temperature. Minimum temperature 23 ? 26 C. Maximum temperature 30 ? 33 C. Easterly winds 10 ? 30 km/hr. During 26 Feb ? 2 Mar, day hot and isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 25 ? 28 C. Maximum temperature 35 ? 37 C. Southerly winds 10 ? 15 km/hr.
Announcement Date 24 February 2025 05:00 AM
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Source: Thai Meteorological Department