7 day Weather Forecast
Weather Forecast
During 10 - 16 March 2025
During 10 ? 11 Mar, the high-pressure system which covers the Northeast and the South China Sea is weaken, reduce the strength of the southeasterly wind which covering the upper country. Less rains with increasing in temperature and day hot with haze in the upper country. During 12 ? 13 Mar, the confluence of the southwesterly and southeasterly winds prevail over the upper country. Meanwhile there are hot in the upper country and very hot in the North. Thunderstorms and gusty wind are possible in many places. During 14 ? 16 Mar, the heat low-pressure cell covers upper Thailand with hot and very hot are possible in someplaces. Meanwhile the southeasterly wind still prevail across the upper country with isolated thundershowers and gusty wind. For the South, during 10 - 11 Mar, the moderate easterly and southeasterly winds prevails over the Gulf, the South and the Andaman Sea with thundershowers and isolated heavy rains in the South. The moderate wind force the waves in the lower Gulf up to 1 - 2 meters high and above 2 meters high in thundershowers. During 12 ? 16 Mar, the easterly wind prevails over the Gulf, the South and the Andaman Sea with thundershowers. The wind and waves in the Gulf and the Andaman Sea are likely about 1 meter high and above 2 meters high in thundershowers.
People in the upper country should keep healthy and avoid staying outdoor for extended period due to hot to very hot weather troughout the periods. During 12 - 13 Mar, people in the upper country and the upper South should stay safe from the severe weather conditions by keeping off outdoor places, large trees and unsecured buildings. Farmers should prevent for crops damage and animals danger. All ships in the Gulf and Andaman Sea should proceed with caution and keep off thundershowers area troughout the periods.
Announcement Date 10 March 2025 05:00 AM
Regional Weather Forecast
During 10 ? 16 March 2025
During 10 ? 11 Mar, day hot with haze. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 17 ? 24 C. Maximum temperature 33 ? 38 C. During 12? 13 Mar, day hot with haze and very hot in someplaces. Isolated thundershowers with gust mostly in the lower part. During 14? 16 Mar, day hot with haze and very hot in some areas. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 19 ? 26 C. Maximum temperature 34 ? 41 C. Southwesterly winds 5 ? 15 km/hr.
During 10 ? 11 Mar, day hot with haze. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 17 ? 25 C. Maximum temperature 29 ? 37 C. Easterly winds 10 ? 20 km/hr. During 12 ? 13 Mar, day hot with haze. Isolated to scattered thunderstorms with gust. During 14 ? 16 Mar, day hot with haze. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 20 ? 27 C. Maximum temperature 32 ? 39 C. Southeasterly winds 10 ? 15 km/hr.
During 10 ? 11 Mar, day hot with haze. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 22 ? 25 C. Maximum temperature 33 ? 38 C. Southeasterly winds 10 ? 20 km/hr. During 12 ? 13 Mar, day hot t with haze and very hot in someplaces. Isolated to scattered thunderstorms with gust. During 14 ? 16 Mar, day hot t with haze and very hot in someplaces. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 24 ? 27 C. Maximum temperature 35 ? 40 C. Southwesterly winds 10 ? 15 km/hr.
During 10 ? 11 Mar, day hot with haze. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 22 ? 26 C. Maximum temperature 31 ? 37 C. Easterly winds 10 - 30 km./hr. Wave below 1 meter, about 1 meter offshore and above 2 meters in thundershowers. During 12 ? 13 Mar, day hot with haze. Scattered thunderstorms with gust. During 14 ? 16 Mar, day hot with haze. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 24 ? 28 C. Maximum temperature 33 ? 39 C. Southeasterly winds 10 - 30 km./hr. Wave height below 1 meter and about 2 meters in thundershowers.
Southern (East Coast)
Isolated to scattered thundershowers throughout the period and isolated heavy rains during 10 - 11 Mar. During 10 ? 11 Mar, Surat Thani upwards: easterly winds 15 - 30 km/hr. Wave height about 1 meter and above 2 meters in thundershowers. Nakhon Si Thammarat downwards: southeasterly winds 15 - 35 km/hr. Wave height 1 - 2 meters and above 2 meters in thundershowers. During 12 ? 16 Mar, easterly winds 15 ? 30 km/hr. Wave height about 1 meter and above 2 meters in thundershowers. Minimum temperature 22 ? 27 C. Maximum temperature 28 ? 36 C.
Southern (West Coast)
Isolated thundershowers throughout the period. During 10 - 11 Mar, Easterly winds 15 - 35 km./hr. Wave height about 1 meter, above 1 meter offshore and above 2 meters in thundershowers. During 12 ? 16 Mar, Easterly winds 15 - 30 km./hr. Wave height about 1 meter and above 2 meters in thundershowers. Minimum temperature 23 ? 27 C. Maximum temperature 29 ? 36 C.
Bangkok Metropolitan
During 10 ? 11 Mar, day hot with haze. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 24 ? 27 C. Maximum temperature 32 ? 37 C. Southeasterly winds 10 ? 20 km/hr. During 12 ? 13 Mar, day hot with haze. Scatterred thunderstorms with gust. During 14 ? 16 Mar, day hot with haze. Isolated thundershowers. Minimum temperature 25 ? 28 C. Maximum temperature 34 ? 39 C. Southerly winds 10 ? 15 km/hr.
Announcement Date 10 March 2025 05:00 AM
Source: Thai Meteorological Department