7-day Forecast
For period of Jul 7, 2010 - Jul 13, 2010
Weather Forecast During 7-8Jul, widely scattered thundershowers. During 9-13 Jul, scattered thundershowers and isolated heavy rain.
Minimum temperature 23-26oC, maximum temperature 34-36oC.
Southwesterly wind 10-30 km./hr.
Northern Part During 7-8 Jul, widely scattered thundershowers. During 9-13 Jul, scattered thundershowers and isolated heavy rain.
Minimum temperature 23-27 oC, maximum temperature 34-36oC.
Southwesterly wind 10-30 km./hr.
Northeastern Part During 7-9 Jul, widely scattered to scattered thundershowers mostly in the western portion. During 10-13 Jul, scattered thundershowers and isolated heavy rain.
Minimum temperature 24-27oC, maximum temperature 33-36oC.
Southwesterly wind 10-30 km./hr.
Central Part During 7-9 Jul, widely scattered to scattered thundershowers. During 10-13Jul, scattered thundershowers and isolated heavy rain. Minimum temperature 25-27oC, maximum temperature 33-36oC. Southerly wind 15-35 km./hr. Wave height 1-2 meters.
Eastern Part During 7-9 Jul, widely scattered to scattered thundershowers. During 10-13Jul, scattered thundershowers and isolated heavy rain. Minimum temperature 25-27oC, maximum temperature 33-36oC. Southerly wind 15-35 km./hr. Wave height 1-2 meters.
Southern Part (East Coast) Scattered thundershowers throughout the period.
Minimum temperature 24-27oC, maximum temperature 35-36oC.
Southerly wind 15-35 km./hr. Wave height 1-2 meter.
Southern Part (West Coast) Scattered thundershowers and isolated heavy rain throughout the period.
Minimum temperature 23-26oC, maximum temperature 32-35oC.
Southwesterly wind 15-35 km./hr. Wave height 1-2 meters.
Metropolitan During 7-9 Jul, widely scattered to scattered thundershowers. During 10-13Jul, scattered thundershowers and isolated heavy rain.
Minimum temperature 25-27 oC, maximum temperature 33-36oC.
Southwesterly wind 15-30 km./hr.
Thai Meteorological department (02) 398-9874