ผลการประชุมคณะกรรมาธิการร่วมไทย-กัมพูชา ครั้งที่ 6

ข่าวต่างประเทศ Friday October 2, 2009 14:09 —กระทรวงการต่างประเทศ

กระทรวงการต่างประเทศขอเผยแพร่ผลการประชุมคณะกรรมธิการร่วมไทย-กัมพูชา ครั้งที่ 6 ระหว่างวันที่ 4-5 สิงหาคม 2552 ที่โรงแรม Centara Grand กรุงเทพฯ ซึ่งรัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงการต่างประเทศ และนายฮอร์ นัมฮง รองนายกรัฐมนตรีและรัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงการต่างประเทศกัมพูชาเป็นประธานร่วม (โปรดดูเอกสารแนบ)

Record of Discussion of the Sixth Meeting of the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation Between Thailand and Cambodia Bangkok, Thailand 4-5 August 2009

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1. At the invitation of His Excellency Mr. Kasit Piromya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, His Excellency Mr. Hor Namhong, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, led a high level delegation on an official visit to the Kingdom of Thailand from 4-5 August 2009 to attend the Sixth Meeting of the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation between Thailand and Cambodia.

2. During the visit, His Excellency Mr. Hor Namhong paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, where matters of mutual interests were discussed in a friendly and cordial atmosphere.

3. The Sixth Meeting of the Joint Commission was held in Bangkok from 4-5 August 2009 under the co-chairmanship of His Excellency Mr. Kasit Piromya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand and His Excellency Mr. Hor Namhong, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Lists of the members of the Thai and Cambodian delegations appear as ANNEXES I and II respectively.

4. The Joint Commission discussed a wide range of issues of mutual interests with a view to further enhancing the existing good neighbourly relations and cooperation between the two countries. The texts of the Opening Remarks by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand and Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia appear as ANNEXES III and IV respectively.


5. The Meeting of the Joint Commission was preceded by a preparatory meeting at the senior officials level on 4 August 2009 under the co-chairmanship of His Excellency Mr. Virasakdi Futrakul, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand and His Excellency Mr. Ung Sean, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia. The Joint Commission Meeting and the senior officials meetings were held in a constructive atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding.

6. The Meeting adopted the Agenda as appears in ANNEX V.


A- Educational, Cultural, Social, Scientific, Technological, and Environmental Issues Education

7. Both sides agreed to further implement the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Education signed between the two countries in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, on 31 May 2003.

8. The Cambodian side expressed its thanks to the Thai side for providing human resource development for Cambodian officials in the fields of pre-school education, special education for the disabled, secondary education and educational administration and management. Both sides agreed to further strengthen their cooperation in the area of sports.

9. The Cambodian side expressed its thanks to the Thai side for extending the assistance in the areas of physical and sports education to the Kampong Chheuteal High School in Sambo Village, Prasat Sambo District, Kampong Thom Province. In this regard, the Cambodian side reiterated their gratitude for Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s sponsorship of the construction and development of the Kampong Chheuteal High School. The Meeting took note of the Cambodian request that the assistance to the said College be extended for an additional period of three years (until 2013).

10. The two sides also expressed their satisfaction over cooperation in the areas of experience sharing, training and scholarships for Cambodian personnel and agreed to further strengthen such cooperation. They also welcomed the cooperation in regional context under the framework of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), and various activities under the frameworks of ASEAN, Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya- Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) and the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).

Cultural Cooperation

11. Both sides expressed their satisfaction with the effective implementation of the Agreement between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Kingdom of Cambodia to Combat against Illicit Trafficking and Cross-Border Smuggling of Tangible Cultural Property and to Restitute it to the Country of Origin, which was signed on 14 June 2000. The Cambodian side expressed its thanks to the Thai side for the return of seven pieces of Khmer artifacts which had been handed over to the Royal Government of Cambodia during the official visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia of His Excellency Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, on 12 June 2009. With regard to the remaining smuggled artifacts, the Thai side reaffirmed its continued cooperation to expedite their return once the verification process is completed.

12. Both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in combating artifact smuggling in the spirit of the Unidroit Convention.

13. The Meeting fully recognized the mutual benefits arising from the Joint Strategy adopted by the Thailand-Cambodia Joint Commission on the Promotion of Cultural Cooperation at its Second Annual Meeting held in Thailand, on 16 June 2005. Both sides agreed to strengthen their cooperation and transform such Joint Strategy into tangible results. They also agreed to hold the Third Annual Meeting of the Thailand-Cambodia Joint Commission on the Promotion of Cultural Cooperation at the earliest opportunity.

14. The Meeting acknowledged that the Thai side is in the process of establishing the Thai - Cambodian Friendship Association. Both sides were of the view that such organization will provide a mechanism for Thailand and Cambodia to further strengthen their cooperation on culture as well as other areas. The Cambodian side agreed to consider the Thai request to set up a parallel association in order to efficiently promote people-to-people contacts and cultural cooperation between the two countries.

Technical Cooperation

15. The Meeting welcomed the result of the cooperation in the area of human resource development as agreed at the Tenth Consultation on Technical Cooperation between Thailand and Cambodia held in Phuket, Thailand, on 26 — 27 July 2007, which both sides agreed to formulate 5-year Plan as the groundwork of continued effective implementation of the technical cooperation programme. Thereafter, the 5-year Plan was forwarded to the Cambodian side for further consideration. Both sides reiterated their views that human resource development remains an important part of the Thai - Cambodian cooperation programme. The Cambodian side agreed to expedite its consideration of the said 5-year plan. Both sides also reaffirmed that the said agreed plan of cooperation would strengthen mutual understanding and help shedding further light on how the two countries can reach an overall goal of social and sustainable development of the countries. Moreover, the Cambodian side would hold the 11th Thai — Cambodian Consultative Meeting in Cambodia at a mutually agreed date.

16. The Thai side agreed to continue to support the construction of dormitory, sport arena, and water tank of the Thai - Cambodian Skill Development Centre in Poun Phnom, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh Capital, while the Cambodian side would connect electricity to the Centre and submit information to the Thai side on the annual training plan and budget supported for the training courses at the Centre as well.


17. The Meeting noted with satisfaction the cooperation between the Ministry of Labour of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training of the Kingdom of Cambodia on the facilitation of 9,153 Cambodian workers through agreed legal procedure. Both sides agreed to further strengthen their cooperation on the legal employment of Cambodian workers as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Cooperation in the Employment of Workers.

18. The Meeting welcomed the extension of the period of national verification and issuance of Certificate of Identity (C.I.) as well as registration process for illegal foreign workers in Thailand. The Cambodian side also expressed its thanks to the Thai side for the extension of work permits for 53,087 Cambodian workers currently in Thailand (33,022 of which were already registered with the Thai authority).

19. With regard to the Cambodian seasonal and daily workers in the border areas of Thailand, both sides agreed to implement efficient and practical measures for legal employment of workers in this category as specified in the MOU on the Cooperation in the Employment of Workers.

20. Both sides agreed to further strengthen their cooperation on labour issues and continue to work closely as agreed during the Third Ministerial Meeting and the Sixth Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) on the Cooperation of Workers, held from 28 November — 1 December 2007 in Siem Reap. Both sides also agreed that the Fourth Ministerial Meeting and the Seventh Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) on the Cooperation of Workers, will be hosted by Thailand at the earliest opportunity.

Cooperation in Information

21. The Meeting noted with satisfaction the existing close bilateral cooperation in the field of information and broadcasting as specified in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation in Information and Broadcasting between the Royal Thai Government and the Royal Government of Cambodia, signed on 8 February 2006.

22. The Meeting welcomed the results of the meetings of the Joint Technical Committee of the MOU on Cooperation in Information and Broadcasting, held in Bangkok, from 21-22 April 2006, and in Siem Reap from 16-19 September 2008 respectively. The two sides agreed to task their Joint Technical Committee to meet as soon as possible to settle the technical difficulties in the implementation of the said MOU. Both sides agreed to continue their support to such project in order to help promote closer ties of friendship and mutual understanding between the two peoples.

Public Health

23. The Cambodian side expressed its appreciation to the Thai side for continuing to support and provide assistance to Cambodia in various fields of public health, including the implementation of the project on Human Resource Development for Medical Personnel of Hospitals in Koh Kong and Banteay Meanchey Provinces as well as other human resource and healthcare development projects.

24. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to implement the strategic framework of border health cooperation between Thailand and Cambodia as a mechanism for strengthening border health collaboration and establishing specific areas of technical cooperation on health. They also agreed to accelerate implementation of their detailed plan of action for border health development coordination and enhance their collaboration at all levels.

25. Both sides agreed to continue to cooperate in the following priority areas: (i) Disease Prevention and Control; (ii) Human Resource Development; (iii) Blood Safety; (iv) Counterfeit Drugs; and (v) Strengthening of Health Care Services.

26. Both sides reiterated the need to closely cooperate on the effective prevention and control of the spread of Influenza A/H1N1, Avian Influenza, HIV/AIDS/TB/Malaria and other infectious diseases in accordance with the bilateral and multilateral frameworks, such as GMS and ACMECS as well as establishing the Disease Outbreak Response System along the border areas of the two countries.

Social Affairs

27. Both sides agreed to hold bilateral meetings at national and border-provincial levels, in order to promote and expedite the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Cooperation to Eliminate Trafficking in Children and Women and Assisting Victims of Trafficking which was signed in Siem Reap Province, on 31 May 2003, between the Royal Thai Government and the Royal Government of Cambodia.

28. Both sides agreed to accelerate the establishment of the Transit and Reception Center for Victims of Trafficking and other Vulnerable Groups (TRC) in Banteay Meanchey Province within the agreed timeframe. In addition, the Thai side would support the programme on skill development for personnel of the Center as well as the programme on organizational development, and materials and equipments for vocational skill development training to the Center. In the meantime, the Cambodian side would make necessary preparation for public utilities prior to the commencement of the construction.

29. The Meeting noted with appreciation the implementation of the respective National Plan of Action to prevent, protect and reintegrate victims of human trafficking.

Cooperation in Justice

30. The Meeting welcomed the signing of the Agreement between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Kingdom of Cambodia on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons and on Cooperation in the Enforcement of Penal Sentences. Both sides agreed to speed up their internal procedure for the ratification of the said agreement.

31. The Cambodian side agreed to consider the Thai request to conclude a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Kingdom of Cambodia on Cooperation on Criminal Justice, which will help strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the area of international law and justice.

32. Both sides agreed to cooperate in the exchange of information on the detention or arrest of their respective nationals.

Science and Technology

33. The Cambodian side expressed its appreciation to the Thai side for offering scholarships to Cambodian officials to attend seminars and training courses under the bilateral cooperation project between Thailand and France on remote sensing/GIS from 20-30 June 2006, as well as the training course on GIS and Remote Sensing Essential for Resource Management from 3-14 March 2008.

34. The Meeting noted with satisfaction the establishment of the Thailand-Cambodia Seminar and Workshop on Measurement Standards in Cambodia, which will be held annually from 2009-2011, as well as Thailand’s offer of training courses on Scientific Laboratory Development, Nuclear Technology Applications for medical treatments, agriculture, industry, nutrition and environment.

Posts and Telecommunications

35. Both sides noted with satisfaction the significant progress of cooperation between their respective competent authorities in the areas of telecommunications infrastructure, technology applications, and exchange of experience on posts and ICT.

36. The Cambodian side welcomed with appreciation Thailand’s offer to provide training courses on postal planning and modernization, data communication network, postal financial services and management with alternated postal study tours in Thailand to Cambodian officials.

37. The Meeting welcomed the results of the Second Meeting of the Joint Technical Committee (JTC) on Coordination and Assignment of Frequency along the Thailand-Cambodia common border, held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from 12-14 December 2007, in which both sides agreed to set up a working group to investigate and resolve all outstanding radio frequency interference (RFI) problems along the common border areas. Both sides reiterated their determination to continue working closely together to promote bilateral cooperation that contributes to the assignment of frequencies along Thailand-Cambodia common border.

38. The Meeting acknowledged that the Third Meeting of the JTC on Coordination and Assignment of Frequency along the Thailand—Cambodia common border is scheduled to be held in December 2009 in Thailand.


39. Both sides agreed to further strengthen their cooperation in monitoring and suppression of deforestation along the border areas. They also agreed to instruct authorities concerned to take appropriate action in accordance with respective laws and regulations to prevent any illegal activities concerning wood-cutting and importation of wooden products.

B- Economic and Tourism Issues


40. Both sides agreed to strengthen their cooperation in joint promotion and marketing under the “Two Kingdoms One Destination” project. The Cambodian side expressed its appreciation for the Thai side’s continued support on human resource development by providing short, medium and long-term training, exchange of experience and knowledge in tourism, establishment of OVOP/OTOP tourist villages as well as the setting up of standards of Green Leaf Hotels.

41. Both sides agreed to accelerate the implementation of their cooperation on tourism under various schemes such as the Emerald Triangle, ACMECS and GMS. The Meeting encouraged authorities concerned of both sides to further discuss and work closely together in order to bring the outcomes of their cooperation under the aforementioned frameworks into tangible results, particularly the implementation of the ACMECS Single Visa. Both sides agreed to speed up their internal process in order to carry out the execution of the ACMECS Single Visa as soon as possible.

42. Both sides agreed to enhance their cooperation in connecting tours through air, land and water routes and the Thai side took note of the Cambodian side’s proposal to set up a working group on tourism transport in order to facilitate the movement of travelers of their respective countries as well as from third countries.


43. The Meeting welcomed the results of the Second Meeting of the Joint Trade Committee (JTC), held in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia, from 14-16 February 2006. Both sides agreed to enhance their trade cooperation as guided by the Strategic Roadmap for Enhanced Economic Partnership between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Kingdom of Cambodia. The Meeting took note with appreciation that Thailand would host the Third Meeting of Joint Trade Committee at a mutually agreed convenient date.

44. The Cambodian side expressed its appreciation to the Thai side for providing assistance on capacity building by continuing to organize seminars and workshops in the area of trade for Cambodian relevant authorities and entrepreneurs.

45. The Meeting took note that upon the termination of AISP’s scheme at the end of 2009, the Cambodian side would enjoy the tariff concession under AFTA that would be effective from the beginning of 2010. The Cambodian side requested the Thai side to further facilitate the export of Cambodian products to Thailand, especially agricultural products, for the benefits of the two countries.


46. The Meeting extensively discussed the current situation of Thai investment in Cambodia and realized the necessity to encourage more Thai investments in Cambodia. In this connection, both sides agreed to further cooperate to remove any existing obstacles at present as well as to promote confidence among the Thai investors in Cambodia.

Cooperation on Finance

47. Both sides agreed that the Second Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Finance between Thailand and Cambodia be held at the earliest mutually convenient date. Both sides agreed to encourage their competent authorities to translate the agreed issues from the First Meeting into effective implementation.

48. Both sides agreed to expedite the process for the negotiation of the Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation between Thailand and Cambodia. The Thai side expressed its readiness to render technical assistance on capacity building for the development of Cambodia’s taxation process.


49. The Meeting noted with satisfaction the completion of Road No.48 (Koh Kong-Sre Ambel) and Road No. 67 (Choam-Sa Ngam-Anlong Veng-Siem Reap) and welcomed their inauguration ceremonies on 14 May 2008 and 4 July 2009 respectively. Both sides also welcomed the completion of the construction of four bridges along Road No. 48 under the grant aid of the Kingdom of Thailand. The Cambodian side expressed its thanks to the Thai side for providing financial assistance for the development of the aforementioned road projects. Both sides were of the view that the development of these roads would bring mutual benefits to the two countries and the sub-region in the areas of trade, investment and tourism.

50. The Cambodian side expressed its sincere thanks to the Royal Thai Government for providing through the Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA) the soft loan of 1,400 million baht for the rehabilitation of the Road No. 68 (O Smach-Kralanh).

51. Both sides took note with satisfaction of the results of the Thailand-Cambodia Bilateral Meeting on the Implementation of the Exchange of Traffic Rights through the Aranyaprathet-Poipet Border Crossing Points, held in Siem Reap on 31 July 2009.

Civil Aviation

52. The Meeting noted with satisfaction the progress made in the cooperation on civil aviation with increased frequency and capacity of air service between the two countries in accordance with the spirit of the Air

Service Agreement between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Kingdom of Cambodia signed on 1 February 2000.

53. The Meeting took note of the Thai proposal for a new round of Air Services Consultations at mutually convenient dates in order to discuss the increase of capacity and frequency entitlement and the amendment of the Route Schedule as annexed to the Air Services Agreement between Thailand and Cambodia, as well as the addition of Siem Reap as another point for the Thai side.

Industry, Mines and Energy

54. Both sides reiterated their commitment to continue cooperation in accordance with the results of the Meeting on Geology and Mineral Resources Cooperation in Phnom Penh, on 5-6 March 2002.

55. Both sides agreed to further their cooperation in the field of industry through the exchange of experience, expertise, technology and management.

56. The Meeting noted with satisfaction the progress on the supply of electric energy from the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) and the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) of Thailand to the communities along the Thai-Cambodian border areas in the provinces of Koh Kong, Banteay Meanchey, Oddor Meanchey, Siem Reap, Battambang and Pailin of Cambodia. The Meeting acknowledged the possibilities of further supplying electricity from Thailand to other areas of Cambodia upon a request of the Cambodian side.

57. The Cambodian side expressed its appreciation to EGAT and Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) of Thailand for providing technical assistance on management and administration of power supply training to the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy and the Electricit? du Cambodge (EDC) of Cambodia.

58. The Meeting welcomed the progress of their cooperation with regard to the development of the Stung Metoeuk/Stung Menam hydropower project and agreed to expedite their feasibility study.

59. Both sides appreciated the outcome of the projects in the field of alternative energy, energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) and agreed to continue their cooperation in the remaining ongoing projects.

Oil and Gas

60. The Meeting noted with appreciation the progress made between Cambodian National Petroleum Authority (CNPA) and PTT to enter into the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to conduct a Joint Study on Petroleum Master Plan. In this context, both sides agreed to exchange further necessary data and information in order to set up the framework of the Joint Study.

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

61. Both sides took note with satisfaction the cooperation between Thailand and Cambodia in the area of agriculture and agreed to work closely to further advance their cooperation in this area.

62. The Cambodian side expressed its appreciation for the various activities provided by Thailand, which aimed to promote the cooperation on agricultural development in both countries.

63. Both sides agreed to continue cooperation in promoting forestry, fisheries and environmental protection along their common border, as well as in preventing illegal activities.

64. Both sides expressed the need for further combined efforts to curb cattle smuggling and control animal diseases along the Thai-Cambodian border and agreed to further cooperate in these areas.

65. The Cambodian side expressed its appreciation for the training courses provided by Thailand to Cambodian officials in the fields of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, including study visits under the ACMECS framework and requested the Thai side to further provide training in these sectors.

66. Both sides took note that several projects under the Memorandum of Understanding on Agricultural Cooperation between the two countries had already been completed. They agreed to expedite the implementation of the Agreement on Technical Cooperation on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures.

67. Both sides expressed their satisfaction with the significant progress which has been achieved through various cooperation activities including contract farming under the ACMECS framework in order to promote agricultural development and trade between the two countries. The Cambodian side took note that the Thai side was fulfilling its internal process required for the earliest signing of the draft MOU on Contract Farming between Thailand and Cambodia.

C - Political and Security Issues

Progress of Survey and Demarcation Works

68. Both sides reaffirmed their strong commitment to amicably settle boundary-related issues, through the mechanisms of the Joint Boundary Commission (JBC) and expressed their satisfaction over the progress of survey and demarcation works made by the said Commission.

69. Both sides reaffirmed that in order to facilitate the demarcation works of the JBC, they will refrain from activities that would result in changes of geographical environment of the frontier zone which is in conformity with Article V of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia on the Survey and Demarcation of Land Boundary of 14 June 2000. Both sides also agreed to instruct their respective local authorities to ensure the implementation of Article V of the said MOU.

Area of Overlapping Maritime Claims

70. The Meeting took note of the results of discussion during the official visit of His Excellency Mr. Kasit Piromya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand to Cambodia on 25-26 January 2009 and the official visit to Cambodia of His Excellency Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, Prime Minister of Thailand, on 12 June 2009, in which both sides agreed that the Joint Technical Committee would resume its discussion on this matter as soon as possible.

Border Points of Entry

71. Both sides recalled the official talk between Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, and H.E. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, Prime Minister of Thailand, during the latter’s official visit to Cambodia on 12 June 2009, in which the relevant authorities of both sides would be assigned to coordinate in identifying the area along Banteay Meanchey Province and Sa Kaeo Province for the establishment of a new international point of entry. In this connection, the Cambodian side proposed Stung Bot as the location of such international point of entry and would supply further detailed information of this location for Thailand’s consideration.

72. The Meeting acknowledged that the relevant Thai authorities are in the process of opening a new border area point of entry at Ban Noone Mak Moon, Kok Soong District, Sa Kaeo Province of Thailand, opposite to O Bey Chorn Checkpoint, O Bey Chorn Commune, O Chrov District, Banteay Meanchey Province of Cambodia, for the purpose of the promotion of trade and people-to-people contacts in this area. Both sides also agreed that the establishment and the operation of the said area point of entry would be in conformity with Article V of the MOU between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia on the Survey and Demarcation of Land Boundary.

Border Management and Suppression of Transnational Crimes along the Thai-Cambodian Border

73. Both sides agreed to continue their cooperation in maintaining peace and security in the border areas by effectively implementing the Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia on Border Crossing between the Two Countries signed in 1997 and the Concept Paper on Thailand-Cambodia Border Points of Entry: Ways toward New Order, Effective Border Management and Greater Bilateral Cooperation which had been adopted at the Thailand-Cambodia Joint Cabinet Retreat in 2003, and the results of the 6th General Border Committee (GBC) Meeting in order to prevent and suppress transnational crimes, illegal immigration, human trafficking, drug trafficking, smuggling of artifacts, stolen and embezzled vehicles, counterfeit of bank notes, robbery, illegal logging and smuggling of logs, rare species of plants and wildlife.

74. In order to further continue the cooperation between Thailand and Cambodia to prevent and suppress transnational crimes, the Cambodian side informed the Meeting that it would convene the 4th Bilateral Meeting between Royal Thai Police and Cambodian National Police in 2009.

75. The Meeting acknowledged the report of the evaluation made by the Thai authorities on the pilot project on the management of the border crossing at Ban Khlong Loeuk- Poipet International Point of Entry, which allowed Cambodian citizens of Banteay Meanchey Province with valid border passes to cross the border into Sa Kaeo Province and travel to Prachin Buri Province of Thailand and the Thai citizens of Sa Kaeo Province to cross the border into Banteay Meanchey Province and travel to Siem Reap Province of Cambodia.

76. The Meeting took note that the Thai side had issued a new computerized “Immigration Card” to the Cambodian citizens who had crossed the border into Thailand via the Ban Khlong Loeuk- Poipet International Point of Entry to facilitate their travel to Rong Glua Market on a daily basis between 07.00-20.00 hours. The Thai side encouraged the Cambodian side to consider issuing border passes to such Cambodian citizens.

77. Both sides agreed that the nationals of both countries who cross into each other’s territory should be treated humanely with dignity and in accordance with due process of law. They also agreed that if such nationals were to be detained, then the relevant authorities of both sides would fulfill their obligations under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.

78. The Meeting acknowledged the relocation of the Royal Consulate General of Cambodia in Sa Kaeo formerly located in Sa Kaeo’s Mueang District to Aranyaprathet District, with a view to enhancing efficiency and cooperation in resolving various border issues. The Meeting also acknowledged the initiative of Thailand to open its Royal Thai Consulate General in the Siem Reap City, Cambodia, in the near future.

Cooperation on Narcotic Drugs Control

79. Both sides noted with satisfaction the cooperation on the suppression and control of narcotic drugs between the national focal points on drug control of the two countries, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) of Thailand and the National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD) of Cambodia. The Meeting encouraged the authorities concerned in the border areas of both sides to strengthen their cooperation on prevention and suppression of drugs trafficking along border areas, especially in exchange of information on drug-related criminals, routes of drugs trafficking and production sites.

80. The Cambodian side expressed its appreciation for Thailand’s cooperation in enhancing the capacity building and training of Cambodian officials on law enforcement, laboratory expertise and reduction of drug demand. The Cambodian side also expressed its thanks to the Thai side for the handover of two speed boats on 13 June 2008. Such boats will be used for drug suppression operation.

81. The Meeting took note of the implementation of the resolutions of the Third Meeting of Thailand-Cambodia Bilateral Cooperation on Drugs Suppression, held in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand, from 6-8 February 2008 as follows:

a) The Thai side conducted a training course on treatment and rehabilitation of drugs addicts to Cambodian drugs suppression officials during 19-22 August 2008 in Chon Buri Province of Thailand;

b) The Thai-Cambodian Border Liaison Offices (BLO) and drugs testing office were established in Ubon Ratchathani Province of Thailand and Preah Vihear Province of Cambodia;

c) The narcotics analysis laboratory was established in Battambang Province of Cambodia.

82. Both sides reiterated the necessity of narcotic drugs control with a view to preventing drug abuse. They shared the view that, to efficiently combat narcotic drugs, joints efforts should be undertaken in addition to preventive measures at both bilateral and international levels. Such measures include the campaign for public awareness against narcotic drugs, treatment and rehabilitation for drug users, education and socio-economic development for the peoples living along the border. Both sides, therefore, agreed to further develop their cooperation in these areas to enhance greater effectiveness in combating narcotic drugs.


83. Both sides reiterated the importance of demining along the Thai-Cambodian border areas, as it is essential to the socio-economic development in the border areas and for the demarcation of the land boundary between the two countries. In this regard, both sides reaffirmed the commitment to intensify their cooperation on this matter.

84. Both sides agreed to encourage close cooperation between the Thailand Mines Action Centre (TMAC) and the Cambodian Mines Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) as well as authorities concerned of both countries to determine the priority areas for de-mining cooperation under the framework of JBC in accordance with the MOU 2000 and TOR 2003.

Meeting of the Governors of Thai-Cambodian Border Provinces

85. Both sides welcomed the successful results of the Third Meeting of the Governors of Thai-Cambodian Border Provinces held in Phuket, Thailand, on 5-7 July 2006, and recommended that the Meeting of the Governors of Thai-Cambodian Border Provinces should be held on a regular basis with a view to transforming our border areas into border of peace, cooperation and prosperity for our two peoples. The Cambodian side informed the Thai side that it would host the Fourth Meeting in Cambodia soon.


86. Both sides welcomed the establishment of the Joint Coordination Committees to prepare and oversee activities for the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between the two countries on 19 December 2010. They also agreed that these commemorative activities will focus on the promotion of people-to-people contact, particularly in the area of cultural and journalistic exchange. They further agreed to sign the Agreement between Thailand and Cambodia on Visa Exemption for Holders of Ordinary Passport on that auspicious occasion.


87. Both sides agreed that the Seventh Meeting of the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation between the two countries would be held in the Kingdom of Cambodia, in the year 2010, at a mutually convenient date. The date and venue will be communicated through diplomatic channels.

88. The leader and members of the Cambodian delegation expressed their deep appreciation to the Royal Thai Government for the warm welcome and the generous hospitality accorded to them during their stay in Bangkok and for the excellent arrangements made for the meeting.

This document serves as a record of discussion of the two sides.

กองการสื่อมวลชน กรมสารนิเทศ กระทรวงการต่างประเทศ โทร. 643-5170 โทรสาร. 643-5169 E-mail : div0704@mfa.go.th--จบ--


เว็บไซต์นี้มีการใช้งานคุกกี้ ศึกษารายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว และ ข้อตกลงการใช้บริการ รับทราบ