กรุงเทพฯ--13 มิ.ย.--JWT Public Relation
The Management team of S&S Residential Limited, an affiliated company of TCC Capital Land, one of Thailand's largest property development companies, led by Deputy CEO, Mr. Soammaphat Traisorat (7th from left), and Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Oh Lock Soon (5th from right), recently co-jointed with associate reporters to open ‘S&S Thank You Press Party’ to strengthen the long-stemmed relationship between the company and the press. The gathering brought together over 90 S&S’s employees and media staff from a variety of publications.
For more information, please contact:
TCC Capital Land Limited
Manop Limkayan
Tel. 02-344-6666 # 3310
Email: manop.l@tcccapitalland.co.th
Chanokpim Suriyajun
Tel. 02-344-6666 # 3036
JWT Public Relation
Prasit Kritsadaariyachon (Bob)
Tel. 02-204-8216 M. 081-586-2813
Email: prasit.kritsadaariyachon@jwt.com
Wongchan Tangsongsak (Chan)
Tel. 02-204-8221 M. 089-127-2089
Email: wongchan.tangsongsak@jwt.com