(Thousand Persons)
Q1 Q2
Population 63,261.1 63,393.3
Age Under 15 15,819.4 15,795.8
Age 15 Up 47,441.7 47,597.5
Labour Force 33,495.0 33,988.0
Employment1/ 31,767.9 32,352.3
of which underemployment2/ 952.0 886.5
Agriculture 12,136.0 13,115.8
Agriculture , hunting and forestry 11,652.3 12,632.3
Fishing 483.7 483.6
Non-Agriculture 19,631.9 19,236.5
Manufacturing 5,117.6 5,088.4
Electricity , gas and water supply 82.5 81.8
Construction 2,000.6 1,982.6
Wholesale and retail trade , repair of vehicles and personal and household goods 5,112.6 4,944.1
Hotels and restaurants 2,062.1 2,056.3
Transport , storage and communications 1,071.3 978.9
Financial intermediation 283.9 262.7
Real estate , renting and business activities 488.6 491.2
Public administration and defence , compulsory social security 1,017.5 973.9
Education 981.4 938.5
Health and social work 483.7 486.2
Other community , social and personal service activities 613.4 649.7
Private households with employed persons 249.6 233.2
Other3/ 67.2 69.0
Unemployed Persons 1,083.4 975.8
( rate of unemployment ) 3.2 2.9
- Looking for Work 146.3 150.7
- Not Looking for Work 937.1 825.1
Seasonal Inactive Labour Force 643.7 659.9
share of total labour force 1.9 1.9
Remark : 1/ Classified by International Standard Industrial Classification ,Revision 3 (1989), UN
2/ work less than 35 hours per week and available for more.
3/ Comprise of mining and quarrying , extra - territorial organizations and bodies and unknown
The Labour Force Survey by The National Statistical Office.